


For Hunter Education classes, please see Hunter Education Course Schedule and for the Hunter Educator Workshops schedule please see Hunter Educator Instructor.

Game Commission to meet Oct 10.

SANTA FE – The New Mexico State Game Commission will hold a special meeting Thursday, Oct. 10, to conduct a closed executive session. The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. and will take place virtually. The full agenda, and other information, is available on the Department of Game and Fish website.If you are interested in viewing the meeting, you are encouraged to pre-register to attend the meeting on the Zoom Webinar platform. More information, including how to join the meeting by phone, is available on the Department's website.In addition, there will be a live webcast on the Department's website. Webcast participants can listen to the meeting using a desktop computer or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact Ryan [...]

Wildlife law violation checkpoints start for hunting, fishing seasons

SANTA FE – The Department of Game and Fish is conducting checkpoints throughout the state this hunting season to collect biological data and to detect wildlife law violations. As a result, the public may encounter minor delays. Department officers may be assisted by other law enforcement agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Police or county sheriff's offices. Please report any wildlife crime or suspected crime that you may observe while enjoying New Mexico's great outdoors. To report a wildlife crime, please call Operation Game Thief toll-free at 1-800-432-GAME (4263). Callers can remain anonymous and earn cash rewards for information leading to charges being filed. Violations can also be reported online at Operation Game Thief.

Public asked to keep distance from northern New Mexico moose

TAOS – The Department is monitoring a female moose that recently appeared in northern New Mexico. Residents are reminded that moose can be dangerous and should not be approached for any reason. If a moose charges you or otherwise shows signs of aggression, run as fast as you can and try to put a boulder, car, tree or other large object between you and it. An aggressive moose can show signs such as having its ears laid back, licking its snout or having hairs raised on its neck. The moose is presently safe and appears healthy. The Department will continue to monitor its movements and will take appropriate actions to ensure public safety. Moose are a protected game animal in the state of New Mexico. New Mexico does not have an open hunting season for moose, and it is unlawful to harvest or harass them in the state. [...]

Public Meeting: Citizen Advisory Committee to Meet Aug. 15

SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (Department) has scheduled a public meeting with the Habitat Stamp Citizen Advisory Committee. The Citizen Advisory Committee will prioritize project opportunities at this meeting. Members of the public are invited to attend this hybrid public meeting. An agenda will be posted on the Habitat Stamp webpage prior to the meeting. Thursday August 15, 2024, Santa Fe, 9 a.m. Attend in person at 1 Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NM, 87507 Register in advance to attend virtually A meeting agenda along with information about how to attend virtually will be available on the Department webpage,

Game Commission to meet Aug. 9

TAOS – The New Mexico State Game Commission will hold a meeting at 9 a.m., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024, at Bataan Hall, 121 Civic Plaza Dr., Taos, NM 87571. The full agenda, location details, attendee information and general information will be available on the Department of Game and Fish website. If you are interested in participating or providing comments, but cannot attend the meeting in person, you are encouraged to pre-register to attend the meeting on the Zoom Webinar platform. For those who wish only to view the meeting, there will also be a live webcast on the Department’s website. If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact Darren Vaughan at 505-476-8027 or Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible forms. [...]

News Releases for 2021

Public Comments Sought on Potential Delisting of Gould’s Wild Turkey

news banner bw logo New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, NOV. 3, 2021: Public Comments Sought on Potential Delisting of Gould's Wild Turkey SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (Department) is initiating an investigation into potentially removing Gould’s wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo mexicanus) from the state list of threatened and endangered species. Pursuant to the Wildlife Conservation Act [17-2-40 NMSA 1978], investigations into delisting a species may be conducted based on new biological evidence. Gould’s wild turkey was listed as state threatened in 1974 due to its limited range within New Mexico and uncertainty about its abundance at that time. Results of sustained field research conducted by the Department in recent years, in conjunction with a successful augmentation of the Peloncillo Mountains population, indicate that recovery criteria specified [...]

State Game Commission and Department of Game and Fish honor the late David Soules

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 22, 2021: State Game Commission and Department of Game and Fish honor the late David Soules SANTA FE – During todays meeting, the State Game Commission and the Department of Game and Fish honored the late David Soules. Soules, who passed away in March at age 63, was a passionate and dedicated outdoorsman and conservationist. “Since David’s passing this past spring, there has been such an outpouring of respect and honor to such a great man that had given his life to wildlife, to conservation, to hunting, to the sports and activities of this great state and our country,” said Commission Chairwoman Sharon Salazar Hickey. “During his tenure on the Commission, David was instrumental in negotiating the State Game Commission Easement for Hunter and Angler Access [...]

Department of Game and Fish announces support for Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 20, 2021: Department of Game and Fish announces support for Recovering America’s Wildlife Act SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish applauds the introduction of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA), which could transform wildlife management in New Mexico. The legislation, as well as House of Representatives companion bill, was introduced by U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich and is co-sponsored by 158 bipartisan legislators, including U.S. Senator Ben Ray Lujan and U.S. Representatives Teresa Leger Fernández and Melanie Stansbury. RAWA would bring approximately $28 million federal dollars to New Mexico for species that currently lack the necessary funding for management. The legislation would support the state’s Wildlife Action Plan and the Species of Greatest Conservation Need identified in the plan. Management actions to [...]

Game Commission to meet October 22

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 20, 2021: Game Commission to meet October 22 SANTA FE – The New Mexico State Game Commission will meet at 9 a.m., Friday, October 22 in Las Cruces to hold the final hearing for upland game bird, trapping and fisheries rules. The Commission will also hold a Memorial to honor the late Commissioner David Soules and his contributions to conservation and public lands in New Mexico. The full agenda, location, attendee information and general information will be available on the Department of Game and Fish website before the meeting. Due to COVID concerns, masks are required. If you are interested in participating and providing comments, but cannot attend the meeting in person, you are encouraged to pre-register to attend the meeting on the Zoom Webinar platform. [...]

Department of Game and Fish purchases new property in southeast New Mexico

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 24, 2021: Department of Game and Fish purchases new property in southeast New Mexico SANTA FE – On Thursday, September 23 the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) was joined by members of the State Game Commission, NGL Energy Partners LP, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Secretary Sarah Cottrell Propst and members of the public to cut the ribbon on a newly purchased property for the benefit of the lesser prairie chicken, other grassland birds, pronghorn and grassland habitats. The acquisition of the Pipkin Ranch, located about 40 miles southeast of Fort Sumner was made possible through a public-private partnership with NGL Energy Partners and funds generated through the sale of fishing and hunting licenses. This 7,500 acre purchase connects two existing Department [...]

News Releases for 2020

Game Commission to meet virtually Dec. 3

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, NOV. 25, 2020: Game Commission to meet virtually Dec. 3 SANTA FE – The New Mexico State Game Commission will meet virtually Thursday, Dec. 3, at 9:00 a.m. The full agenda and other information will be available on the Department of Game and Fish website before the meeting. If you are interested in participating and providing comments, you are encouraged to pre-register to attend the meeting on the Zoom Webinar platform. More information, including how to join the meeting by phone, is available on the Department’s website. The New Mexico State Game Commission meeting will also be available to view via a live webcast on the Department’s website. Webcast participants can listen to the meeting using a desktop computer or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. [...]

Department of Game and Fish reminds customers to call or go online for services

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, NOV. 18, 2020: Department of Game and Fish reminds customers to call or go online for services SANTA FE – As the holiday season is quickly approaching, the Department of Game and Fish is continuing to proactively take measures to keep staff and customers safe from COVID-19 by keeping offices closed. Department services remain accessible to customers by phone, on the website, Facebook or by appointment when required. The rates at which COVID positive cases and COVID related deaths in New Mexico continue to rise is alarming. Per Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s current executive order, everyone is encouraged to stay home, avoid travel and not attend public gatherings. Officials have predicted that many people may not heed these recommendations during the holidays, causing the Department to take further precautions to keep staff and customers [...]

Department of Game and Fish requests flat budget

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, NOV. 16, 2020: Department of Game and Fish requests flat budget SANTA FE – At this time of fiscal constraints, the Department of Game and Fish has submitted a flat budget to ensure the continuation of services to New Mexico hunters, anglers and wildlife enthusiasts. “The Department recognizes its role as an economic engine for many of our small, rural communities across the state,” said Director Mike Sloane. “Hunting, fishing and wildlife associated recreation brings nearly $1 billion a year to the state’s economy, often to rural areas where funds are needed most.” Receiving no money from the state’s General Fund, the Department is largely funded by our customers — the hunters and anglers. They enable the Department to conserve wildlife and provide recreational opportunities that benefit [...]

Public Meeting to Gather Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Habitat Stamp Program

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, November 2, 2020: Public Meeting to Gather Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Habitat Stamp Program SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has scheduled a public meeting in order to seek public comment on proposed revisions to the Public Land User Stamp Rule 19.34.6 NMAC (Habitat Stamp Program Rule). A short presentation providing information about the Habitat Stamp Program and details of the proposed revisions will be followed by a Q & A session where members of the public are encouraged to ask questions. Members of the public are invited to attend the virtual meeting 6 p.m., Nov. 5 in order to become familiar with the program and the proposed revisions. Summary of Proposed Changes: Renew Program for 10 additional years [...]

Public Meeting to Gather Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Habitat Stamp Program

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, October 27, 2020: Public Meeting to Gather Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Habitat Stamp Program SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has scheduled a public meeting in order to seek public comment on proposed revisions to the Public Land User Stamp Rule 19.34.6 NMAC (Habitat Stamp Program Rule). A short presentation providing information about the Habitat Stamp Program and details of the proposed revisions will be followed by a Q & A session where members of the public are encouraged to ask questions. Members of the public are invited to attend the virtual meeting 6 p.m., Nov. 5 in order to become familiar with the program and the proposed revisions. Summary of Proposed Changes: Renew Program for 10 additional years [...]

News Releases for 2019

Share with Wildlife projects selected for 2020

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 27, 2019: Share with Wildlife projects selected for 2020 SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish’s Share with Wildlife program has selected 16 wildlife projects for funding starting in 2020. The Department’s Share with Wildlife program funds projects up to $50,000 in four categories: habitat enhancement, biological and ecological research studies, wildlife rehabilitation and wildlife education. For 2020, the program is supporting one habitat project, eight research projects, five education projects and both education and rehabilitation activities of two wildlife rehabilitation centers. The habitat project focuses on evaluating wether or not culverts and bridges are barriers to aquatic and riparian connectivity in the northern Jemez Mountains. The research projects are focusing on a variety of Species of Greatest Conservation Need, including the [...]

Fish for free in New Mexico on National Hunting and Fishing Day Saturday, Sept. 28

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 25, 2019: Fish for free in New Mexico on National Hunting and Fishing Day Saturday, Sept. 28 SANTA FE – Celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day on Sept. 28 by going fishing for free. On this special day, New Mexico residents and nonresidents of all ages can fish without a license at public waters statewide. All other fishing rules apply. “We want to encourage New Mexicans to take their families outside to enjoy their wildlife resources and celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day. A day of free fishing is a great way to do that,” Director Mike Sloane said. Are you new to fishing? Come to the Gallinas Riverfest in Las Vegas Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Department staff will join Hermit’s Peak Watershed [...]

Native fish restoration activity planned for Whitewater Creek

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 13, 2019: Native fish restoration activity planned for Whitewater Creek SANTA FE – Native fish restoration efforts on Whitewater Creek are scheduled for Sept. 25 – Oct. 3, 2019. As part of the Whitewater Creek Native Fish Restoration Project, the Department will remove non-native trout from Whitewater Creek to allow restoration of Gila trout and other native fish to their native range. This portion of the project starts at the intersection of the Gold Dust Trail (FS Trail #41) with Whitewater Creek and continues upstream to the headwaters. The closure does not affect the Catwalk National Recreation Area. The Department will apply rotenone based products - CFT Legumine®, 5% rotenone and Prentox® Rotenone Fish Toxicant Powder™ - to the stream to remove non-native salmonids. The Environmental [...]

Game Commission to meet September 18 in Cloudcroft

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 10, 2019: Game Commission to meet September 18 in Cloudcroft SANTA FE – The New Mexico State Game Commission will meet Wednesday, September 18, in Cloudcroft for initial and subsequent discussions on multiple rules. The meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Lodge, Pavilion Room, located at 601 Corona Place, in Cloudcroft. Agenda items include: Subsequent Discussions on the Bear and Cougar Rule and the Trapping and Furbearing Rule Initial Discussions on the Hunting and Fishing License Application Rule and the Game and Fish License/Permits Rule Presentation of the E-Tagging Mobile Application The full agenda and other information are available on the Department of Game and Fish website. The New Mexico State Game Commission meeting will be available to view via [...]

Department now accepting applications for conservation officers

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 9, 2019: Department now accepting applications for conservation officers SANTA FE – The Department of Game and Fish is seeking qualified men and women to apply to become conservation officers, who protect and conserve New Mexico’s wildlife. The department is currently accepting applications for conservation officer trainees with a starting pay of $18.34 an hour. Applications for this position will be accepted until Oct. 19, 2019. Physical assessments and interviews will take place Nov. 16, 2019 in Santa Fe. Candidates who advance past the interviews may be required to stay in Santa Fe until Nov. 22, 2019 for further testing. Prior law enforcement experience is not required. Successful applicants must possess a qualifying bachelor’s degree before Oct. 19, 2019. Qualifying degrees are those in a field [...]

News Releases for 2018

Game and Fish investigates fish die off in Pecos River

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 25, 2018: Game and Fish investigates fish die off in Pecos River SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is investigating a fish die off in the upper Pecos River from the village of Pecos to Cowles. The die off is affecting brown and rainbow trout and is being attributed to stress induced by low water conditions and poor water quality throughout late summer and early fall. Most of the fish observed were adult brown trout and a few rainbow trout. The department expects more fish to die through the fall as brown trout undergo spawning stress and flows continue to be very low. Fish that are caught using legal fishing equipment are safe to consume; however, it is not recommended to [...]

Native fish restoration activity planned for Whitewater Creek

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 24, 2018: Native fish restoration activity planned for Whitewater Creek SANTA FE – Native fish restoration efforts on Whitewater Creek is scheduled for Oct. 10-21, 2018. As part of the Whitewater Creek Native Fish Restoration Project, the department will remove non-native trout from Whitewater Creek to allow restoration of Gila trout and other native fish to their historic range. This portion of the project starts at the Gila National Forest boundary below the Catwalk National Recreation Trail parking area and continues upstream to the headwaters. The department will apply rotenone based products – CFT Legumine® and Prentox® Rotenone Fish Toxicant Powder™ – to the stream to remove non-native salmonids. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that rotenone is highly effective for removal of fish and [...]

Game Commission to meet Oct. 5 in Albuquerque

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 24, 2018: Game Commission to meet Oct. 5 in Albuquerque SANTA FE – The New Mexico State Game Commission will meet Friday, Oct. 5, in Albuquerque to review final biennial review of state listed and endangered species and the fiscal year 2018 report on depredation and nuisance abatement. The meeting will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish’s new Northwest Regional Office located at 7816 Alamo Road NW, in Albuquerque. Other agenda items include: A ceremonial opening and tour of the new Northwest Regional Office. Subsequent discussions for potential rule changes on hunting and fishing manner and method rule. Subsequent discussions on potential rule changes on the revocation rule. Discussions for potential rule changes for trapping, [...]

Stocking Gila trout in Gwynn Tank is only one of many firsts for this species in Western New Mexico

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 20, 2018: Stocking Gila trout in Gwynn Tank is only one of many firsts for this species in Western New Mexico SANTA FE – Gwynn Tank, located in the Gila National Forest in Western New Mexico, received its first batch of 203, 10-inch Gila trout. Jill Wick, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Colorado Basin Native Fish Supervisor, said “stocking Gila Trout in Gwynn Tank is part of the department’s long-term plan to provide recreation opportunities for this rare native trout in conjunction with ongoing recovery efforts.” Releasing this batch of Gila trout into Gwynn Tank was over a year in the making. In April 2017, a team of biologists set out on the first successful mission to collect wild Gila trout eggs. According [...]

Fish for free in New Mexico on National Hunting and Fishing Day Saturday, Sept. 22

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT 20, 2018: Fish for free in New Mexico on National Hunting and Fishing Day Saturday, Sept. 22 SANTA FE – Celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day on Sept. 22 by going fishing. It is a day to fish for free in New Mexico, a special day when all anglers­­ – residents and nonresidents of all ages can fish without a license at public waters statewide. All other fishing rules apply. “We want to encourage New Mexicans to take their families outside to enjoy their wildlife resources and celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day. A day of free fishing is a great way to do that,” Director Mike Sloane said. Adults and teens interested in learning to fly-fish in New Mexico are invited to the Pecos National [...]

News Releases for 2017

Cutthroat trout featured on new license plate

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact: Information Center (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Dan Williams, (505) 476-8004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 25, 2017: Cutthroat trout featured on new license plate SANTA FE – A new Share with Wildlife program license plate available to the public features a Rio Grande cutthroat trout, New Mexico's state fish. “Anglers and everyone who enjoys our state's fish and aquatic habitats will love this new license plate,” said Ginny Seamster, program coordinator for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. “And it’s all for a good cause, conserving wildlife.” Since 1981 the Share with Wildlife program has funded wildlife research, habitat enhancement, education and rehabilitation projects around the state. Many of these projects benefit nongame species in need of conservation. The program relies upon donations, including the purchase of special license plates from [...]

Late-season archery elk licenses available Oct. 25

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Dan williams: (505) 476-8004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 19, 2017: Late-season archery elk licenses available Oct. 25 SANTA FE – There will be 275 first-come, first-served late-season bull elk archery hunting licenses on sale beginning Oct. 25 on the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish website. The sale will begin at 10 a.m. and will be open only to New Mexico residents for the first 24 hours, after which any remaining licenses will be available to everyone. Only hunters who did not hold a 2017-2018 elk license are eligible. The bag limit for the late-season hunts is one bull elk with antlers having at least six points on one side. Hunters are advised to obtain an online customer account or review their existing account, including user name and password, before the sale begins. [...]

Public meetings will address trespassing on private land

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Dan Williams: (505) 476-8004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 11, 2017: Public meetings will address trespassing on private land ALAMOGORDO – Representatives of the Department of Game and Fish and the 12th Judicial District Attorney’s Office serving Otero and Lincoln counties will conduct public meetings Oct. 16-17 to address trespassing on private lands and the obligations of landowners, hunters and anglers. District Attorney John Sugg and department conservation officers will discuss various issues regarding trespass laws, including sign posting requirements, written permission to use private lands for hunting and fishing, and possible penalties for violations. Meeting times and sites: Oct. 16 Corona: 9 to 11 a.m., Corona Senior Center, 451 Main St. Capitan: 1 to 3 p.m., Capitan Senior Center, 115 Tiger Drive. Hondo: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Hondo High School, 111 Don Pablo Lane. [...]

Public meetings will address proposed changes in pronghorn rule

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Dan Williams: (505) 476-8004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 5, 2017: Public meetings will address proposed changes in pronghorn rule SANTA FE –The Department of Game and Fish is seeking public comment on proposed revisions to the pronghorn rule. The Department is proposing changes to how pronghorn are hunted in New Mexico, structuring pronghorn hunts similarly to how deer are hunted in the state. This will provide increased opportunity for public and private-land hunters. Improved pronghorn survey methods have resulted in better biological data from which to base harvest recommendations. Additionally, the department has heard various concerns regarding the current Antelope Private Land Use System (A-PLUS). The department is developing recommendations to be implemented for the start of the 2019-2020 hunting season. To gather public comments, four public meetings will be conducted: Albuquerque: 6 to [...]

Game Commission to meet Sept. 28 in Red River

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Dan Williams: (505) 476-8004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 20, 2017: Game Commission to meet Sept. 28 in Red River RED RIVER – The New Mexico Game Commission will meet Thursday, Sept. 28, in Red River to consider numerous matters, including a proposed rule to allow magnification devices on archery equipment used to hunt protected game species. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. at the Red River Community House, 116 E. Main St., in Red River. Other agenda items include: Discussion of potential rule changes to prohibit the use of aircraft for locating wildlife for hunting purposes. A proposed rule amendment that would allow qualifying New Mexico resident veterans and first responders to receive donated licenses. Discussion of proposed changes to the state’s fishing rules. The full agenda, detailed agenda-item briefings and other information [...]

News Releases for 2016

Tipsters help bust poacher

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Karl Moffatt: (505) 476-8007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, DEC. 1, 2016: Tipsters help bust poacher SANTA FE – A poacher has been convicted based on an anonymous tip provided to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Operation Game Thief hotline. Cody Davis, 37, of Dickinson, N.D., recently pleaded no contest before Bernalillo Magistrate Delilah Montano-Baca to unlawful hunting, killing and possession of a deer during a closed season and waste of game. Davis, formerly of Lindrith, was ordered to pay $432 in court fees and donate $3,000 to the Operation Game Thief fund. His jail sentence was deferred upon successful completion of 90 days unsupervised probation. Game and Fish will also seek civil restitution for the loss of the trophy-sized buck. Department conservation officers began investigating Davis following a Dec. 8, 2015, anonymous [...]

Game wardens find motorist stranded overnight on remote forest road

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Karl Moffatt: (505) 476-8007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, DEC. 1, 2016: Game wardens find motorist stranded overnight on remote forest road RUIDOSO – New Mexico Department of Game and Fish game wardens helped save a 63-year-old Alto woman stranded overnight in her car on a remote, rugged road in the Lincoln National Forest. The driver recently got lost while traveling in a 2013 Chevrolet sedan on Forest Service Road 496 near the Capitan Mountains Wilderness. While traversing the rocky road she punched a hole in her oil pan and then got stuck in a sandy wash. The woman called 911 on her cell phone and state police radio dispatchers determined her general location, but then her cell phone battery died. Searchers couldn’t find her that evening and she spent the night in her car without [...]

Southeast New Mexico is your best bet for quail

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Zen Mocarski, (505) 476-8013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Nov. 23, 2016: Southeast New Mexico is your best bet for quail SANTA FE – Those ready for a challenging hunt may want to dust off a shotgun and head to southeastern New Mexico in search of quail. Quail season runs from Nov. 15, 2016 to Feb. 15, 2017. There is a total bag limit of 15 per day and 30 in possession, except for Montezuma quail, which is five per day and 10 in possession. “I continue to receive information suggesting above-average numbers of quail in southeast New Mexico,” said Casey Cardinal, turkey and upland game biologist for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. “Both bobwhite and scaled quail numbers are up after a high reproduction year in 2015.” Additionally, she said spring reports [...]

Flagrant poaching case results in 10-year revocation

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Zen Mocarski, (505) 476-8013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Nov. 23, 2016 Flagrant poaching case results in 10-year revocation SANTA FE – An investigation that spanned more than two years and led to the filing of 26 poaching charges has resulted in a decade-long revocation, just the second time this has occurred in New Mexico’s history. The State Game Commission revoked the hunting, fishing and trapping privileges of Esequiel Mascarenas, 36, of Las Vegas, N.M., for 10 years. He and a partner, Nick Jaramillo, now deceased, were the subject of an investigation that began in January 2012. A search warrant was served later that year and culminated in charges being filed in 2014. Mascarenas was found guilty of killing deer out of season, exceeding the bag limit of deer, use of artificial light while hunting and [...]

Six new game wardens graduate from law enforcement academy

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Karl Moffatt: (505) 476-8007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Nov. 18, 2016: Six new game wardens graduate from law enforcement academy SANTA FE – Six New Mexico Department of Game and Fish game wardens graduated from the San Juan County Criminal Justice Training Authority Law Enforcement Academy in Farmington Thursday. The department’s graduates of the 16-week law enforcement training academy are: Logan Eshom of Capitan and a graduate of New Mexico State University. Barkley McClellan of Lubbock, Texas and a graduate of Texas Tech University. Lonie Morales of Cuba and a graduate of Adams State University in Colorado. Trevor Nygren of Carlsbad and a graduate of New Mexico State University. Isaih Reynolds of Kurtistown, Hawaii and a graduate of Western New Mexico University. Garrett Silva of San Angelo, Texas and a graduate of San Angelo State [...]

News Releases for 2015

Late-season archery elk licenses available online Oct. 28

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Karl Moffatt, (505) 476-8007 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 16, 2015: LATE-SEASON ARCHERY ELK LICENSES AVAILABLE ONLINE OCT. 28 SANTA FE –Two hundred seventy-five trophy bull elk archery hunting licenses will go on sale Wednesday, Oct. 28, first-come, first-served, on the Department of Game and Fish website, The sale will begin at 10 a.m. Oct. 28 and will be open only to New Mexico residents for the first 24 hours. Any remaining licenses will be available to nonresidents beginning at 10 a.m. Oct. 29. Only hunters who did not hold a 2015-2016 elk license are eligible to purchase the late-season licenses. The bag limit for the late-season hunts is one bull elk with antlers that have at least six points on one side. Hunters are strongly advised to obtain an online customer account or review their [...]

Volunteers needed to clean up Santa Fe shooting areas

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Karl Moffatt, (505) 476-8007 Public contact: Jessica Fisher, (505) 476-8100 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, OCT. 5, 2015; VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO CLEAN UP SANTA FE SHOOTING AREAS SANTA FE – Volunteers are invited to help clean up two outdoor shooting ranges on public land south of Santa Fe in October. The Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe County and the Bureau of Land Management are sponsoring clean-up days at designated shooting areas off Old Buckman Road and at Camel Tracks. “This is a great opportunity to clean up these areas,” said Jessica Fisher, shooting program coordinator for the department. “We’ll have a dumpster and trash bags available and with just a little help we can make a huge impact.” The Camel Tracks and Old Buckman Road designated shooting areas are heavily used by Santa Fe area shooters, some of whom [...]

Eagle Rock Lake in Questa restocked with trout and ready for fishing

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Karl Moffatt, (505) 476-8007 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 30, 2015: EAGLE ROCK LAKE IN QUESTA RESTOCKED WITH TROUT AND READY FOR FISHING QUESTA – Eagle Rock Lake in Questa will reopen to fishing Saturday, Oct. 3, following a reopening ceremony and celebration of angling improvements to the lake and adjoining river. “We’ve created an incredible aquatic park that anglers will really enjoy,” said Eric Frey, sport fish program manager for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. “This should really put Questa on the map as one of the top fishing destinations in the state.” Before the reopening, the lake will be restocked with rainbow trout, including plenty of big ones raised at the nearby Red River Fish Hatchery. The lake has been closed for the past year while Chevron Mining drained, dredged and relined [...]

Navajo Lake boat ramp closed to snagging in October

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contacts: Karl Moffatt, (505) 476-8007, Christina Cordova, 505-476-3363; Beth Wojahn, 505-476-3226; FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 23, 2015: NAVAJO LAKE BOAT RAMP CLOSED TO SNAGGING IN OCTOBER NAVAJO DAM –The Pine Main boat ramp at Navajo Lake State Park and surrounding no-wake zone will be closed to anglers this October during kokanee salmon snagging season to allow the Department of Game and Fish to harvest salmon eggs and sperm. The rest of Navajo Lake will remain open to snagging, including the spillway to the far corner of the dam. The kokanee salmon-snagging season at Navajo Lake runs from October 1 through December 31; the closed area will reopen to anglers on November 1. “Low water years have hindered our egg take from Heron Reservoir, requiring the use of Navajo Lake as an alternative source of salmon eggs this year,” said [...]

Game Commission to meet Sept. 29 in Albuquerque

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Karl Moffatt, (505) 476-8007 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 18, 2015: GAME COMMISSION TO MEET SEPT. 29 IN ALBUQUERQUE SANTA FE – The New Mexico Game Commission will meet Sept. 29 in Albuquerque to consider numerous matters, including an update on a new Hunters Helping the Hungry food donation program. The meeting will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015, at the Embassy Suites Conference Center, 1000 Woodward Place N.E., in Albuquerque. Other agenda items include: Discussion of lease negotiations with the State Land Office regarding continued hunting access on State Trust Lands. An update on the Gold King Mine spill, including a summary of events, findings to date and discussion of future actions. United States Fish and Wildlife Service appeal of the department’s denial of its request to release Mexican gray wolves. The [...]

News Releases for 2014

Bighorn hunters will have more options, opportunities in 2015

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Lance Cherry, (505) 476-8003 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 9, 2014 BIGHORN HUNTERS WILL HAVE MORE OPTIONS, OPPORTUNITIES IN 2015 SANTA FE – The New Mexico Game Commission adopted new rules Aug. 28 that will provide hunters planning to enter the public drawings for 2015-season bighorn sheep licenses in New Mexico with more opportunities and more choices than ever. Beginning next year, the department estimates it will make 36 bighorn ram licenses available in the annual public drawing, an all-time high. Sixteen of those licenses will be for Rocky Mountain bighorn rams. Twenty will be for desert bighorn rams, a remarkable increase from only one desert bighorn license issued in 2011. The increased licenses are thanks to successful reintroduction and management efforts by the Department of Game and Fish in partnership with the Wild Sheep Foundation, the [...]

Hunting seasons open for doves, grouse, squirrels, band-tailed pigeons; pellet guns approved for collared doves, grouse, squirrels

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Lance Cherry, (505) 476-8003 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 2, 2014 HUNTING SEASONS OPEN FOR DOVES, GROUSE, SQUIRRELS, BAND-TAILED PIGEONS; PELLET GUNS APPROVED FOR COLLARED DOVES, GROUSE, SQUIRRELS SANTA FE – Hunting seasons opened Sept. 1 in New Mexico for doves, grouse, squirrels and band-tailed pigeons, with some rule changes that provide more hunting opportunities. Beginning this year, .177 caliber or larger pellet guns are among the legal sporting arms for Eurasian collared doves, dusky grouse and squirrels. The State Game Commission approved the change Aug. 28 to give hunters more opportunities to bag those species, partly due to the ongoing shortage of .22-caliber ammunition. The Game Commission also increased the hunting season for Eurasian collared doves – an invasive, non-native species – to year-round with no bag limit. Hunters must leave one wing attached to [...]

Bear and cub captured near downtown Santa Fe

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Lance Cherry, (505) 476-8003 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG 22, 2014 BEAR AND CUB CAPTURED NEAR DOWNTOWN SANTA FE SANTA FE – Conservation officers captured a bear and her cub Friday morning about a half-mile from the State Capitol near downtown Santa Fe. The healthy bear and her cub were not harmed during the capture and were on their way to be released in the Gila National Forest in southern New Mexico later Friday. It was the third time officers captured and relocated the female bear and cub. This spring, the bear had two cubs when they were captured near downtown Santa Fe and relocated to the Jemez Mountains. In July, the same female and one cub were captured in San Isidro and relocated to the Cibola National Forest near Mount Taylor, approximately 100 miles from where [...]

Mimbres River Ranch purchase benefits wildlife, habitat

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Rachel Shockley, (505) 476-8071; cell: (505) 470-6832 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG 8, 2014 MIMBRES RIVER RANCH PURCHASE BENEFITS WILDLIFE, HABITAT SANTA FE – The New Mexico State Game Commission recently purchased more than 1,000 acres of riparian habitat along the Mimbres River in southwestern New Mexico. The $585,000 purchase will allow the Department of Game and Fish to manage the property and its diverse wildlife habitat. “The River Ranch is an opportunity for the department to conserve valuable habitat for many wildlife species,” Department Director Alexa Sandoval said. Approximately half the purchase price came from the department’s Share With Wildlife tax-refund check-off donations, money targeted for nongame wildlife conservation. Part riparian area and part Chihuahuan desert grasslands, the River Ranch and adjoining 2,920 acres of state and federal leased lands supports a high diversity of native [...]

New bighorn sheep herd to be established in the Santa Fe National Forest

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Media contact: Rachel Shockley, (505) 476-8071; cell: (505) 470-6832 Public contact: (888) 248-6866 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG 7, 2014 NEW BIGHORN SHEEP HERD TO BE ESTABLISHED IN THE SANTA FE NATIONAL FOREST TAOS SKI VALLEY – The Department of Game and Fish plans to reintroduce Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep into historic bighorn sheep habitat near Cochiti Canyon in the Jemez Mountains of the Santa Fe National Forest. Several dozen department staff and volunteers will conduct a capture operation Aug. 11-14 near Wheeler Peak in the Carson National Forest. The sheep will be released in the treeless burned area created by the Las Conchas Fire in 2011, which has become ideal bighorn sheep habitat. The department hopes to capture 30 to 40 adult sheep and their lambs using drop nets and then transport the sheep via helicopter to a staging area where they [...]

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