New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Archive News Releases 2007-2013

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New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Media contact: Dan Williams, (505) 476-8004
Public contact: (505) 476-8000



ALBUQUERQUE - The Department of Game and Fish is moving forward with plans to re-evaluate trout-stocking strategies at Bluewater Lake and other fisheries statewide in an effort to improve trout fishing by addressing challenges posed by drought, disease, and temporarily closed fish hatcheries.

"Our goal is to make the most of what we've got and provide anglers with the best trout fishing opportunities possible," Fisheries Chief Mike Sloane said. "We are currently renovating two of our fish hatcheries, and until they are operating again, we are evaluating the best ways to distribute trout in waters across the state."

Lisboa Springs Hatchery near Pecos and Los Ojos Hatchery near Chama have been closed for renovation since hatchery trout tested positive for whirling disease. Despite those closures, the Department has stocked 1.9 million catchable-sized trout in state waters in the past two years, including 92,433 trout in Bluewater Lake .

Drought and overpopulations of suckers and goldfish have compounded fisheries problems at Bluewater Lake . To reduce numbers of suckers and goldfish, the Department stocked thousands of non-reproducing tiger muskies into the lake in 2003. Many of those voracious tiger muskies are now more than 2 feet long and appear to be doing their job by eating mostly suckers and goldfish. The Department also has continued stocking trout in the lake - larger fish than in previous years, but fewer in number.

"Until the renovations are completed at the hatcheries, our plan is to adjust stocking schedules to reflect what the remaining three hatcheries are producing and prevent any one fishing destination from being overly impacted," said Brian Gleadle, the Department's Northwest Area Operations Chief.

For more information about fishing in New Mexico , and a current statewide fishing and stocking report, please visit the Department website, .


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