Unprotected Species
Unprotected species damage habitat and compete with native wildlife. In New Mexico these include feral hogs and unprotected furbearers (such as coyotes and skunk).
Feral Hogs

Feral Hog

Hunting this exotic invasive species is encouraged.
Feral hogs damage habitat, contaminate water and compete with native wildlife. Because of the negative impact this non-native intruder causes, residents and nonresidents legally may hunt feral hogs year-round without a license. General hunting rules still apply—such as obtaining permission if hunting on private land, no hunting with the aid of an artificial light and no discharging of firearms within 150 yards of an occupied dwelling.
Read the New Mexico Wildlife article “Hogs gone wild”.
Feral hogs should not be confused with javelina, which look similar but are a protected game species. Javelina are smaller than feral hogs and do not have a tail. Javelina also have a white stripe of hair near the shoulders and neck, giving them the common name collared peccary.