New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Archive News Releases 2007-2013

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New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Media contact: Dan Williams, (505) 476-8004
Public contact: (505) 476-8000



SANTA FE -- The Department of Game and Fish received about 150,000 applications for 62,475 licenses in this year's drawing for deer, elk, antelope, ibex, javelina, bighorn and Barbary sheep hunts. Many applicants swarmed the Department Web site April 7, pushing the deadline all the way to the 5 p.m. cutoff.

The Web site held its own, barely breaking stride despite the pressure of more than 56,000 visits in the two days before the deadline. The site averages about 7,000 visits a day. The Department also expects about 39,000 paper applications, which had to be postmarked by April 7 to meet the deadline.

The drawing for the 2010-2011 licenses will be in June, and hunters can check their results in mid-June by logging on to their account at

This year, hunters who applied online for public-land deer licenses were able to purchase discount, combination hunting and fishing licenses along with necessary stamps and validations at the same time they applied. Applicants whose credit cards were accepted can now download and print their license and a validation number from their online account. Applicants who are successful in the draw also will be mailed a license and deer tag. Unsuccessful applicants may use their printed, online license and validation as their license for the April 1-March 31 license year.

To obtain a license and validation number, hunters must visit the "online license sales" page from the Department home page,, and then log in to their account, click on "license sales," select "view receipt," and click on "print receipt" in the top-right corner. The proper receipt should include a bear-head watermark and must be carried by the hunter or angler while they are in the field.

For more information about the drawing or licenses, please call (505) 476-8000.


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