New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Archive News Releases 2007-2013

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New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Media contact: Dan Williams, (505) 476-8004
Public contact: (505) 476-8000



CHAMA -- Few outdoor experiences stimulate the senses quite like a large herd of Rocky Mountain elk during the fall mating season. Those lucky enough to experience the animals' bugles, whistles and grunts are not likely to forget them, and are apt to gain a new appreciation of one of New Mexico 's most spectacular wildlife species.

The Sargent Wildlife Management Area -- just a stone's throw from Chama in Northern New Mexico -- is one of the state's best spots to see and hear the elks' annual display, and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish plans to make it even better.

NMDGF Archive News: Department seeks contractor for Sargent elk viewing area

The Department has issued a Request for Proposals to find a qualified contractor to build an elk interpretive site and small trail system that will give visitors to the Sargent area an opportunity to learn more about elk and other wildlife. The successful bidder will install educational panels, and construct an entrance gate and about 1,800 feet of walking trail. The project is expected to be complete by June 2008.

If you're interested in taking on this challenging project, please contact Mike Gustin at (505) 476-8112 or michael.gustin; or Gil Teutch at (505) 476-8165 by Sept. 11 for details and a copy of the Request for Proposals. Potential bidders also can access the RFP on the New Mexico State Purchasing Office website by clicking here .


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