New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Archive News Releases 2007-2013

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New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Media contact: Richard McDonald, (575) 532-2100
Public contact: (505) 476-8000



The Department of Game and Fish is conducting public meetings statewide to address possible changes in the pronghorn antelope rule and A-PLUS, the system used to distribute pronghorn hunting opportunities on private land.

The Department will seek input about the proposed rule to allow hunters to purchase over-the-counter private-land pronghorn licenses and hunt on private land with written permission.

The meetings will be from 6 to 9 p.m. in:

  • Roswell: Wednesday, Oct. 17, Department of Game and Fish Office, 1912 W. Second St.
  • Carrizozo: Thursday, Oct. 18, 5 to 7 p.m., Lincoln County Commission Chambers, 300 Central Ave.
  • Las Cruces: Monday, Oct. 22, Department of Game and Fish Office, 2715 Northrise Dr.
  • Albuquerque: Thursday, Oct. 25, Department of Game and Fish Office, 3841 Midway Place, NE.

For more information about the proposed rule changes, A-PLUS, or the meetings, please contact Kevin Rodden, statewide deer and pronghorn manager, at the Department’s Southwest Area Office in Las Cruces at (575) 532-2100. More information about the 2012-2013 antelope seasons can be found in the Big Game and Trapper Rules and Information booklet, available at license vendors, Department offices and online at


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