Publication Library

Click below to view our library offered from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
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2025-2026 Hunting & Fishing

The 2025-2026 New Mexico Hunting Rules and Information provides essential information about hunting in New Mexico. The rules booklet contains details about licenses and fees, carcass tagging procedures, descriptions of public and private-land uses, definition of criminal trespass, hunter education, the Mentored-Youth Hunter Program, off-highway vehicle use, Operation Game Thief and much more. This year, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has combined the Hunting, Furbearer, Upland Game and Migratory Game Bird Rules and Information into one publication. If you have comments or questions about this year’s booklet, please contact the Information Center at 888-248-6866 or

El Descargo de Responsabilidad

Al desarrollar la edición en español de este folleto de normas e información sobre caza, hemos tratado incorporar términos y frases communes en español. Sabemos que Nuevo México tiene muchos dialectos diferentes del español que han evolucionado durante cientos de años. Si usted necesita aclaraciones sobre la informacíon en este folleto, o si tiene sugerencias sobre cómo podemos mejorar las traducciones, por favor envie un correo electrónico a ¡Gracias!

2025-2026 Fishing

The 2025-2026 New Mexico Fishing Rules and Information provides essential information about fishing in New Mexico. The rules booklet contains details about general regulations, licenses and fees, fishing waters details, and fish information and regulations.

New Mexico Wildlife

New Mexico Wildlife - NMDGF magazine now available online -

New Mexico Wildlife is an online magazine produced by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish with a focus on department activities, native wildlife and outdoor recreation, including hunting and fishing. The magazine is available by PDF or the New Mexico Wildlife website: New Mexico Wildlife also releases monthly e-newsletters and special edition e-newsletters with exclusive content supplementing the seasonal PDF magazines. Sign up for e-newsletter updates here: