NMDGF Calendar of Events
Here are most recent calendar events from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
For Hunter Education classes please see Hunter Education Course Schedule and for the Hunter Educator Workshops schedule please see Hunter Educator Instructor.

Wild Turkey Cook Along
May 22, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
You’re invited to join us live on Wednesday May 22, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. for this special virtual wild turkey cook-along event.
Have you been hitting the turkey hills this season? If yes, and you have been fortunate enough to bring home some of that fresh and delicious turkey meat, then join NMDGF Staff as we cook up “Meateater’s Copycat Chick-Fil-A Turkey Nuggets” and other fun fixings that you and your family are sure to enjoy.
Didn’t notch a tag? Join us anyway and substitute wild turkey meat for any white meat bird you have in your freezer. You must register at the Zoom link by noon on May 20th. This will give you time to snag all the ingredients and get that kitchen prep ready to go for our first ever cook along event.
While this event is focused on ladies, we welcome everyone to join us.
To participate in the virtual session click the following link to register by noon on May 20th for this meeting,
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email, ingredient lists, and recipes for this event.