NMDGF Calendar of Events
Here are most recent calendar events from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
For Hunter Education classes please see Hunter Education Course Schedule and for the Hunter Educator Workshops schedule please see Hunter Educator Instructor.
National Archery in the Schools Program - NASP 3001 Civic Center Circle, Rio Rancho, New Mexico10- and 15-Meter Bullseye Range - open to NASP-sponsored programs - Youths in grades 4-12. [...]
Hunter Education
American Legion Ortiz and Gallegos Post 70 bldg. 6 Camino CR, Quintana Pecos, New MexicoThis course is open to students of any age seeking hunter education certification to meet [...]
Hunter Education
American Legion Ortiz and Gallegos Post 70 bldg. 6 Camino CR, Quintana Pecos, New MexicoThis course is open to students of any age seeking hunter education certification to meet [...]
Hunter Education
Timberon Lodge 1 Bobwhite St, Timberon, New MexicoThis course is open to students of any age seeking hunter education certification to meet [...]
Hunter Education
Timberon Lodge 1 Bobwhite St, Timberon, New MexicoThis course is open to students of any age seeking hunter education certification to meet [...]
Wildlife presention with Gonzales Community School
Santa Fe Santa Fe, New MexicoDepartment staff will be giving a wildlife presentation to Gonzales Community School students. This event [...]
Barbary Sheep, Bighorn Sheep, Deer, Elk, Ibex, Javelina, Pronghorn and Private-Land-Only Deer Draw Application Deadline
March 19 – Deadline to apply for draw licenses for Barbary sheep, bighorn sheep, deer, [...]
ATV safety class
Los Lunas River Park Los LunasThe New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Off-Highway Vehicle Program presents an ATV safety [...]
Hunter Education
Corona NM 531 Franklin St, Corona, New MexicoThis course is open to students of any age seeking hunter education certification to meet [...]
2025-2026 Over-the-Counter Licenses Available
March 24 — 2025-26 over-the-counter (OTC) license types, including Game-Hunting Licenses and Game-Hunting and Fishing [...]
Wildlife presentation at Taos Academy
Taos, NM New MexicoDepartment staff will be giving a wildlife presentation to students at Taos Academy. This event [...]
Wildlife presentation at Taos Day School
Taos, NM New MexicoDepartment staff will be giving a wildlife presentation to students at Taos Day School. This [...]