Recreation News

Recreation News2022-06-14T09:02:02-06:00

NMDGF Recreation News

The latest recreation news and press releases from New Mexico Game and Fish. Department-wide news can be found under Home → NMDGF News.

Governor declares Saturday, Sept. 25, National Hunting and Fishing Day in New Mexico

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact: Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, SEPT. 24, 2021: Governor declares Saturday, Sept. 25, National Hunting and Fishing Day in New Mexico SANTA FE – Each year hunters and anglers contribute more than $579 million dollars to the state’s economy, providing the funding necessary to manage New Mexico’s wildlife for the benefit of our citizens and future generations. In honor of the sportsmen and women’s contributions to wildlife conservation, Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham issued a proclamation, declaring Saturday, Sept. 25 National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHFD) in New Mexico. Saturday, the Department will celebrate NHFD with a day of free fishing in New Mexico. All anglers, residents and nonresidents, may fish free on public waters statewide. No one needs a license or stamp, although bag limits and all other fishing rules apply. Whether you feel [...]

Comment period for Landowner Certification of Non-Navigable Water Extended

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, JUNE 22, 2021: Comment period for Landowner Certification of Non-Navigable Water Extended SANTA FE – At the New Mexico State Game Commission meeting held Friday, June 18, 2021 at the New Mexico State Capitol (Roundhouse), agenda item 6, Applications for Landowner Certification of Non-Navigable Water, was tabled until the August 12, 2021 Commission meeting, allowing additional time for public input. At the August 12, 2021 State Game Commission Meeting, to be held in Santa Fe, a hearing and final decision on applications of Landowner Certification of Non-Navigable Water will be included in the agenda. Applications can be found on our website and include: Rancho Del Oso Pardo, Inc. River Bend Ranch, LLC Chama II, LLC, dba Canones Creek Ranch Fenn Farm Three Rivers Cattle Ltd. Co The [...]

Remember to be aware of wild animals along the Bosque

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, FEB 24, 2021: Remember to be aware of wild animals along the Bosque SANTA FE – Due to an increase in recent sightings of coyotes by hikers along the Bosque in the Albuquerque metro area, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish reminds everyone to be mindful and prepared for potential encounters with wild animals. The Bosque along the Rio Grande is an essential corridor for wild animals moving through the Albuquerque metro area. This area provides easy food sources, water, shelter and an escape from pressures that wild animals have as they travel. There are also wild animals that will live their whole life in the Bosque. The corridor, surrounded by houses, schools, shopping centers and restaurants, also offers people and families an escape from [...]

State Game Commission expands agreement with State Land Office

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, JAN 26, 2021: State Game Commission expands agreement with State Land Office SANTA FE – At the Jan. 15, 2021, State Game Commission Meeting, a unanimous vote finalized a four-year agreement between the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and the New Mexico State Land Office. The easement will allow hunters, anglers and trappers to access state trust lands in exchange for an annual payment of $800,000 and $200,000 of habitat improvement projects on state trust land. “This is a wonderful agreement that increases opportunities for hunters, anglers and outdoor recreationists,” said State Game Commission chairwoman Sharon Salazar Hickey. “The Department of Game and Fish and the State Land Office worked together, to find balance for the benefit of all New Mexicans.” The Department of Game [...]

Call for applicants: Citizen advisors needed for Habitat Stamp Program

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, DEC. 1, 2020: Call for applicants: Citizen advisors needed for Habitat Stamp Program SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is accepting applications for volunteer citizen advisors to the Habitat Stamp Program. Advisors will serve on a Citizen Advisory Committee to the Habitat Stamp Program, and will review and prioritize proposed projects for annual funding. Advisors are expected to engage and encourage public participation and involvement in the program. They will also be expected to represent public interest and be engaged and informed with regard to wildlife and fish habitat conservation needs. The citizen advisors will be appointed at the January 15, 2021 Commission meeting, which will be held virtually. Those applying to serve will be evaluated upon: Familiarity with current wildlife conservation [...]

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