Let us know how your fishing trip went!

The Weekly Fishing Report is created with input from anglers like you. This report not only provides useful fishing information to other anglers but also helps the Department plan fish management, stocking and improvements. It’s also it’s a great way to show off your Catch of the Week! Here’s how to take part:

  1. Use the form below to tell us about your fishing adventures over the last week. Conditions change, so we use only the last week’s entries to create the Weekly Fishing Report.
  2. Fill out the form once for each fish species you caught (largemouth bass, rainbow trout, etc.).
  3. Catch a big fish? Take a kid fishing? Achieve a fishing milestone? Click the Catch of the Week checkbox at the bottom of the form and upload your best photo and catch details. This is optional.
  4. Click “Submit.” If you caught more than one species, just click “Add Another Form” after submitting and follow these steps for each additional species.

*Submitting your Catch of the Week gives the Department permission to use your name, photos and details submitted for various promotional purposes, including reports, social media and other publications. We will not print your name for general submissions that exclude a Catch of the Week. We will not share your email address; we only ask for it in case we have questions or need more details from you on your catch for the Weekly Fishing Report.

(only published for Catches of the Week).

(not published).