Name: Keith Haws
Duty Station: Conservation Officer, Taos District
Special Area of Responsibility/Game Mgmt Units: Game Management Units 50 & 52
Education: Bachelor’s degree: Criminal Justice & Biology
Length of Service: 2 years
Specialty or Interest: Investigating wildlife violations
Current Projects/Assignments: Taos district patrols and investigations
Best Thing About the Job: Enforcing wildlife laws
Other info you would like to post (hobbies, interests, etc.): Fly fishing
Most Common Question People Have: How can they make a difference?
Answer: Anyone having information relating to a wildlife violations can contact the Operation Game Thief hotline at 1-800-432-4263.
Help protect your wildlife!
If you see a violation please report it to the OGT Hotline at 1-800-432-4263.
Contact Information: Phone: (505) 252-6719 | E-mail: