Enforcement News

Enforcement News2022-09-26T11:26:49-06:00

Enforcement News

Here is the latest in conservation enforcement news & press releases from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. For Operation Game Thief there is a list of solved cases and cold cases. And see the Featured Officer page for Officer of the Month and Career Advancement news.

Department-wide news can be found under Home → NMDGF News.

Manner and method and revocation rule changes topic for public meetings

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 tristanna.bickford@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG 24, 2018: Manner and method and revocation rule changes topic for public meetings SANTA FE – The Department of Game and Fish is seeking public comments on proposed revisions to the Manner and Method rule and the Hunting and Fishing License Revocation rule. Proposed changes to the Manner and Method rule include possession or sale of protected species, importation or possession of un-permitted wildlife, shooting from the road, use of aircraft, driving off established road, mobility impaired cards, proof of sex or bag limit, tagging, use of bait, use of dogs for tracking wounded game, weapon types for hunting and use of cellular, cell or satellite cameras. Proposed amendments to the Hunting and Fishing License Revocation rule include increasing point values for hunting on private land [...]

Department seeking next generation of conservation officers

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 tristanna.bickford@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG. 17, 2018: Department seeking next generation of conservation officers SANTA FE – The Department of Game and Fish is seeking qualified men and women to join the next generation of conservation officers, who protect and conserve New Mexico’s wildlife. The department is currently accepting applications for conservation officer trainees with a starting pay of $17.03 an hour. Applications for this position will be accepted until Oct. 8, 2018. Physical assessments and interviews will take place Nov. 3-4, 2018 in Santa Fe. Candidates who advance past the interviews may be required to stay in Santa Fe until Nov. 8 for further testing. Prior law enforcement experience is not required. Successful applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree in a field related to wildlife management, biology or criminal justice; [...]

Fox in Fort Sumner tests positive for rabies

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 tristanna.bickford@state.nm.us New Mexico Department of Health Media Contact, Paul Rhien: (505) 470-2290 paul.rhien@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG. 10, 2018: Fox in Fort Sumner tests positive for rabies DE BACA COUNTY – On Tuesday, July 17, a landowner near Fort Sumner, who killed a fox exhibiting behaviors common with rabies, contacted Conservation Officer Jacob Laobato. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish submitted the fox for testing at the State Laboratory Division. Results came back positive for rabies. “The public should be vigilant and stay away from any animals behaving strangely,” said Dr. Kerry Mower, wildlife disease specialist for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. “People should ensure their pets’ vaccinations are current.” According to the New Mexico Department of Health, in addition to the fox, one skunk has tested [...]

Two men sentenced for poaching mule deer

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Cody Johnston: (575) 291-2138 gary.johnston@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AUG. 7, 2018: Two men sentenced for poaching mule deer LOVINGTON – Two men pleaded guilty to killing mule deer out of season, unlawful possession, tampering with evidence and other charges filed against them in Lovington District Court last December. Both men received probation and were ordered to pay $2,400 in fines, $330 in court fees and forfeit their rifles earlier this month. On Dec. 28, 2017, Hobbs District Offic­er Andrew Jolliff received a tip from the Operation Game Thief hotline — a number set up by the Department of Game and Fish for the public to report poachers — about a deer that was killed illegally on Christmas Day. The tipster mentioned that the deer had been butchered and was buried near an oil rig in [...]

Raton man attacked by bear

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 tristanna.bickford@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, JULY 26, 2018: Raton man attacked by bear Raton – New Mexico Department of Game and Fish conservation officers are investigating a bear attack that occurred southeast of Raton Wednesday. State police alerted department officers after receiving a distress call from a 36-year-old man exercising his dogs. The individual was airlifted to the UNM Hospital due to the severity of the injuries, including a bite to the back of the knee. During the attack the man was able to draw his sidearm and shoot the bear, killing it. The male bear will be tested for rabies. The department reminds outdoor recreationists to be bear aware. During the summer, bears are active as they look for food sources in preparation for the winter months. Bears are unpredictable; the [...]

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