New Mexico Hunter and Bowhunter Instructor Information
The Department of Game and Fish is always seeking individuals to become certified Hunter and Bowhunter Education Instructors to teach student classes, assist with hunter education camps and other department outreach events.
This webpage is a resource you can locate scheduled instructor workshops, training, and pertinent information. You will also find updates that may affect you, your teaching team and your classes.
Become an Instructor
Becoming a certified hunter and/or bowhunter instructor with the Department is EASY! Just complete the following steps:
1. Complete a volunteer application & background check. Please email to receive your application.
2. View and complete the Pre-workshop training.
3. Sign up for the next available Instructor Training Workshop (see schedule below).
4. Complete a New Mexico Hunter Education Student Course if you have not already done so.
Once you’ve completed all the above steps, you will receive the New Mexico Hunter Education Instructor certification and will then be qualified to teach or assist with classes and additional Department outreach events. Call a member of the Hunter Education staff (see below) if you have questions. Thank you for your interest in giving back!
Upcoming Instructor Workshops and Program Events
Updated 8-5-2024
(Note: If no workshops are listed, please check the page in the future. Calendar is updated as scheduled).
Current posting reflects confirmed dates of available workshops. Any posting that has a blue hyperlink to a workshop flier will also be available for registration using your Department CIN Account (Click Here to register). A posting that does not have a hyperlink is awaiting confirmation of facilities and/or locations and is not yet available for registration. Once confirmation is received, the posting will be updated and the workshop will be open for registration.
Instructor Refresher & Reactivation Training
For instructors whose certification has lapsed and wish to teach again, this online module will provide you the necessary training to reactive your status to allow you to begin teaching and assisting with hunter education courses.
Depending on how much time has elapsed since your last hunter education activity will determine whether the refresher course and/or the reactivation course is best for you.
This online training also serves as a refresher training for active instructors and counts toward continuing education hours.
Important Instructor Updates
Student Class Activity Packet
To help you make your traditional hunter education classes engaging for your students, please find a Class Activity Packet below. Studies have found that the more hands-on you can make your class, the more your students will retain the information. This packet contains several hands-on activities you to use in class. If you use one of these new activities in a class, send the Hunter Education Staff a picture for the Class Engagement Challenge. We will conduct drawings each month for instructors who submit a picture entry of a new hands-on activity being implemented during a traditional class.
Re-Testing Options
This presentation explains the retesting options that are now available for instructor-led in-person classes. These re-test options are not available for the virtual classes.
Live Fire Training
It is the recommendation of the Hunter Education and Shooting Sports Programs that the following criteria be established for a safe and viable live-fire volunteer program and to enable volunteers, such as yourself, to become more involved with live-fire events, classes, and outreach initiatives offered by the Department.
This brief online training module will provide you the necessary information and updates required to allow you to teach and/or assist with Department live-fire activities sponsored by either the Hunter Education or Shooting Sports Programs. Click on the pdf below to access the training!
Spanish Hunter Education Manuals
The Hunter Education Manual is available in Spanish. Contact the Hunter Education staff if you need a copy.
Training Tips and Continuing Education
Weblinks to articles and videos that may assist instructors in keeping up with new trends and techniques in hunting and shooting will be posted here frequently. If you take time to review any of these videos, please contact the Hunter Education Staff and let them know the date(s) you reviewed the material, which training modules you viewed and how much time it took you to complete the training(s). This time counts toward your instructor Continuing Education credits to achieve Senior/Master Instructor benchmarks and to be eligible for additional instructor incentives.
Training Links
Instructors must view at least 30 minutes of the below online training segments to receive Continuing Education credits to achieve Senior/Master Instructor benchmarks and to be eligible for additional instructor incentives. If you review any of these online segments, please contact a member of the Hunter Education staff and let them know the date you reviewed the material, how much time it took and which segments you viewed to receive credit.
Hunters Connect – offered by the International Hunter Education Association -USA (IHEA-USA) is here to help anyone further their continuation in hunting and to become a more confident hunter education instructor. Regardless of experience, content is provided to help anyone become more confident.
Understanding Your Optics: RANGEFINDERS – This video explains what you need to know about rangefinders and how to find the best one for you. It also explains what line of sight means when it comes to true ballistic range.
Get Ready for Turkey Season: Tukey Hunting Tips – NSSF Sportscast – Veteran Turkey Hunter and author of “Secrets of the Turkey Pros,” Glenn Sapir of the National Shooting Sports Foundation shares his go-to gear for a turkey hunt. (NSSF Video-5:32)
Pattern Your Turkey Shotgun: Hunting Tip – While turkeys are typically shot when standing still, keep in mind that the bird’s head/neck area represents a small target, especially out at forty yards. The key to patterning your turkey shotgun is to be sure you have an adequate pattern density at typical turkey hunting ranges. Watch this video on patterning your turkey gun and then head out to the range to be sure your choke/load combination is on target. (NSSF Video – 5:04)
Rifle Maintenance – Cleaning the Bolt – In this shooting tip, Jeremy Winters address how to clean the bolt on a bolt action rifle. (Gunwerks Video- 4:44)
FREE Online Trapper Education – The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies developed a free online trapper education course that state agencies and other organizations can use to train and certify trappers. The online course covers all of the AFWA-approved national standards and learning objectives for trapping in North America. The site also features Best Management Practices for trapping 20 species of furbearers.
Intro. to Range Safety and Etiquette – For many that first trip to the shooting range can be intimidating. This short video is a great introduction to firearms safety rules and etiquette at the indoor range and for experienced shooters a great reminder. Remember, firearms safety depends on you. (NSSF Video – 8:48)
Shooting Positions in the Field – NSSF Shooting Sportscast For those times when the prone position is not an option, former Army Ranger sniper team leader Ryan Cleckner discusses alternate shooting positions to make sure you are as stable as possible. (NSSF Video – 7:14)
Shooting at Angles: Rifle Shooting Technique – NSSF Shooting Sportscast – When shooting at angles gravity affects your bullet differently. Learn from NSSF’s Ryan Cleckner how to apply an angle to correctly compensate for bullet drop when shooting either uphill or down. (NSSF video)
Treestand Safety Video – This video addresses the universal safety requirements instituted by the Treestand Manufacturer’s Association and the National Bowhunters Education Foundation, as well as updated information about self-rescue, tower stands, and safety tethers. (Approx. 27 minutes)
How to Shoot Trap – NSSF Shooting Sportscast. OSP Shooting School’s Gil Ash explains how he approaches each station on a trap field. By knowing the proper hold points and focal points for each station you can greatly improve trap shooting. This tutorial also offers tips that can make you more successful at any shotgun sport or while afield. (NSSF Video – 13:51)
Big Game: What Happens Between Shot and Down -Big game that drops instantly to a shot is cause for concern, as Wayne van Zwoll explains in this eye-opening article. (Gun Digest Article)
Understanding Gun Fit – NSSF Sportscast Gil Ash of OSP Shooting Schools explains what the three key measurements gun fitters consider when properly fitting a shotgun. Does your shogun fit? Find out how you can tell. (NSSF Video – 4:55)
Dove Hunting Tips – NSSF Sportscast – Join NSSF’s Doug Painter on the Dove field for a few pointers that will help ensure your success this season. (NSSF Video – 3:24)
Dog Training Tips: Using the Correct Correction – Wingshooting – USA Host Scott Linden shares a tip about dog training. Watch and learn when the right correction is no correction at all. (NSSF Video – 2:09)
Dog Training Tips: Change it up to Avoid Training Scars – Wingshooting USA TV host Scott Linden shares some sage advice for dog trainers. Change it up and keep it fresh to keep your dog sharp. (NSSF Video – 1:49)
Instructor Forms
To open each form, just click on the one you need then save it to your computer for future use.
Hunter Education Forms
We wish to acknowledge some major milestones reached by your fellow instructors. These individuals have dedicated a big part of their lives to Hunter Education and the hunting community.
The following individuals have made an impactful difference in the lives of the students that participate in Hunter Education. Congratulations to the following instructors! In the months to come, we will continue to recognize instructors, their milestones, and achievements in Hunter Education.
40 years: Bob Parish (Hobbs)
35 years: Larry Marshall (Dexter)
30 years: Randy Isler (Abq.), William Kennedy Sr.(Bosque Farms), and Cliff Sanchez (Belen)
25 years: Richard West (Carlsbad), Richard Winn (Abq.), Michael Barraza (Deming), Robert Bristol (Roswell), Gary Ashcraft (Tijeras), and Donald Sultemeier (Santa Rosa)
Instructors mentioned above should be on the lookout in the mail for a token of our appreciation.
Instructor Video Library

Base Medical -Wilderness Survival (June 2021) – Hunter Education Instructor Coffee Talk – June 21, 2021 – YouTube
Approved Changes to the Department’s Mentored-Youth Hunting Program (January 2021) – Hunter Education Instructor Coffee Talk – January 5, 2021 – YouTube
Overall Program Updates (October 2020) – Hunter Education Instructor Coffee Talk – October 13, 2020 – YouTube
Program Updates to Include MY Rule Review and Virtual HE (August 2020) – Hunter Education Instructor Coffee Talk – August 31, 2020 – YouTube
To create a Hunter Education Course please fill out the form Here or scan the QR code below.
Hunter Education Staff
Coordinator – Vacant | Vacant | Vacant |
Assistant Coordinator – Stephanie Walton | 505-222-4733 | |
Office Administrator – Roselyn Washington | 505-222-4731 | |
Instructor Line | Same 800 number | none |