
The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program offers grants for OHV recreation safety and trail improvement projects and law enforcement overtime patrols. This grant program is open to public land managers, non-profit organizations, and law enforcement agencies. The goal is to fund projects to make OHV recreation safer and more enjoyable for everyone in New Mexico.

· Eligibility: Public land managers, non-profit organizations, and law enforcement agencies can apply.

· Application period: Applications open on January 1, 2025, and close on April 4, 2025. Applications must be emailed to

· Funding goals: The OHV program aims to promote safe and responsible OHV recreation while protecting the environment. It seeks to award over $250,000 from its Trail Safety Fund.

· Last year’s grants: In 2024, the program awarded over $250,000 to 19 different entities. These projects improved OHV recreation opportunities and assisted law enforcement with community safety efforts.

· How grants have improved OHV Safety: Grants have funded safety education programs. These programs helped to educate riders on safe riding practices, rules of the road, and the importance of wearing safety gear.

· Support law enforcement efforts: Grants have helped fund increased law enforcement presence in communities to ensure compliance with regulations and deter unsafe or illegal riding behavior.