2024 Share with Wildlife Projects

Category Title
Education Porcupine’s perch – Gaining perspective on Species of Greatest Conservation Need (Bosque School)
Education Wildlife wonders at the park (Asombro Institute for Science Education)
Research Filling in key knowledge gaps in the ecology of grassland birds that winter in New Mexico (Bird Conservancy of the Rockies)
Research Development of a GT-seq SNP panel for genetic monitoring of peppered chub (UNM)
Research Updated status and distribution of the northern leopard frog in New Mexico (Herpetological Conservation, LLC)
Research Inferring brown-capped rosy-finch demography and breeding distribution trends from long-term wintering data in New Mexico (NMSU)
Research Post-wildfire habitat use by the Peñasco least chipmunk (NMSU)
Habitat Identifying and mapping climatically stable macro- and micro-refugia in New Mexico (USFS)
Desert Willow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Carlsbad
New Mexico Wildlife Center, Española

Highlighted Report

Virginia Tech, with support from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, conducted a survey of wildlife viewers in New Mexico. Wildlife viewing is among the fastest growing outdoor recreation activities in the United States, with significant implications for the work of wildlife agencies. The final report describing results of this survey provides agencies with valuable information about wildlife viewers’ behaviors, experiences, perceptions, needs, and preferences. This information is essential for more meaningful and substantive engagement by state agencies with this often underserved constituency.


To access other project reports, please visit the Share with Wildlife search on the BISON-M website: