The Call for 2025 projects is now open

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish’s Share with Wildlife program announces the release of the Call For Project Information (CFPI) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. The CFPI is available here.

The Share with Wildlife program funds projects of up to 2 years in duration with total budgets of up to $100,000 that pertain to one of the following four categories: wildlife habitat enhancement, biological and ecological research studies on wildlife, wildlife rehabilitation, and wildlife education. Project topics of particular interest to the Department for FY2025 and details regarding proposal format and submission are listed in the CFPI.

All questions regarding the application process should be submitted to the Share with Wildlife Coordinator, Karen H. Gaines (

All proposals must be submitted electronically as a single .pdf or Microsoft Word file (.doc and .docx acceptable) by 4:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Additional files for use by individuals submitting proposals to the Share with Wildlife program include the following documents in Word format (.docx):

Forms for Share with Wildlife Contractors

These forms are provided for informational purposes to individuals and organizations submitting a proposal to the Share with Wildlife program in response to an active Call For Project Information. These forms should not be submitted to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish unless an employee of the Department directly contacts you and requests that you fill them out as part of the process of implementing a professional services contract for a new Share with Wildlife project.

Scientific Collecting and Education Permit Application

Applicants for a Share with Wildlife project who intend to capture and handle animals or use live animals and/or animal parts for educational purposes for their project may need to obtain a scientific collecting permit or educational program permit from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Please see the Special Use Permits page for more information and contact with questions.