Recent scientific studies have shown that lead-based ammunition and tackle continue to be ingested by wildlife, fish and humans across the world.

Game birds like ducks and non-game such as songbirds accidentally consume lead while foraging for seed. Lead weights or jig heads from lost tackle are swallowed by fish when a line is broken or ingested while a fish is picking up grit or small stones to aid in digestion. Ingestion of lead in these cases can interrupt proper digestion and lead to acute lead poisoning. Unfortunately, the impacts don’t stop there. Continuing up the food chain, predators and scavengers feeding on poisoned fish or unintentionally ingesting lead bullets or fragments while feeding on big-game harvests can succumb to the same fate. We are not different, accidentally swallowing lead shot or tiny fragments of lead bullets that have dispersed into meat can lead to health problems in us as well.

For more information on the effort to boost non-lead ammunition and fishing equipment for ecosystem health, visit the North American Non-lead Partnership or Sporting Lead Free.

Comparing lead-based ammunition (left) and lead-free ammunition (right). Photo courtesy Conservation Media/National Park Service

So what can you do? The use of non-lead ammunition and tackle helps prevent lead poisoning in many wildlife species and fish. Non-lead ammunition and fishing equipment also promotes a healthy ecosystem and can protect the health of you and your family.


Copper bullets are a great alternative for big game hunting, as they are extremely effective because of their great weight retention and swift expansion. Tungsten, bismuth and steel shot are all excellent alternatives to lead for upland game bird hunting.

There has been much debate on the effectiveness of lead versus non-lead ammunition for hunting in recent decades since alternatives have come on the market. Manufacturers have also made great strides in non-lead ammunition quality and effectiveness during this time. With a little research and some target practice, we are sure that you can find a great non-lead alternative that will serve you well on your future hunting adventures. For more information on hunting with non-lead ammunition, visit Hunting with No Lead or Sporting Lead-Free at

Did you know?

In New Mexico, non-toxic shot is required for waterfowl, common moorhen, sora, Virginia rail and snipe. It is unlawful for any person to use or possess any shotgun shell loaded with anything other than non-toxic shot (excluding slugs) or for any person using a muzzle-loading shotgun to possess anything other than non-toxic shot while hunting for any migratory game bird species, except when hunting dove, band-tailed pigeon or eastern sandhill crane. Non-toxic shot is required for all migratory game birds and upland game species on the Bernardo, La Joya and Huey Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs).


Tungsten or tin fishing weights are a great alternative to lead weights. Tungsten is much harder than lead and 1.7 times denser, giving anglers more sensitivity and improving their success rates. Tungsten weights come in a variety of forms and sizes, from tungsten putty for fly fishing to tungsten sinkers for bass fishing. For additional information on non-lead fishing, visit Sporting Lead Free. For a list of non-lead tackle companies, check out Fish Lead Free.

The New Mexico Game and Fish Department urges our valued hunters and anglers to consider these lead-free alternatives to support the conservation of our fish and wildlife and the protection of your health.