NMDGF Conservation News
The latest conservation news and press releases from New Mexico Game and Fish. Department-wide news can be found under Home → NMDGF News.
Rare Chipmunks
Following is a selected project highlight from the Share with Wildlife mission to assist all New Mexico wildlife in need, no matter what species. Rare Chipmunks How do you survey for a rare small mammal that, as far as we know, is only found in a few, hard to reach, high elevation sites in southeastern New Mexico and looks very similar to another species found in the same area? This is the conundrum facing Dr. Jennifer Frey and her graduate student, Fiona McKibben, at New Mexico State University when it comes to their studies of the Peñasco least chipmunk. Peñasco least chipmunk. (Jim Stuart) Until 2016, this chipmunk species had not been documented in New Mexico since 2000. Given that it is a candidate for federal Endangered Species Act listing, it is important to have up-to-date information on its distribution and status. The Peñasco least chipmunk is very [...]
Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation
Following is a selected project highlight from the Share with Wildlife mission to assist all New Mexico wildlife in need, no matter what species. Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Looking for a fun, educational family outing on a Saturday? Want to learn more about New Mexico’s wildlife? Have you found an injured or sick wild animal? New Mexico Wildlife Center (NMWC) in Española can help. The Center has over 35 educational animals that you can see and learn about in self-guided tours. If you want more information about species habitats, adaptation, conservation, and biology, you can schedule an Education Program for different age groups; all you have to do is call them at 505-753-9505 and ask for Jarrod. The Center also has a lovely native plant garden and a cactus garden that they are continually working with Santa Fe Master Gardeners Association and The Native Plant Society of New Mexico to [...]
Bill Evans Lake WMA temporary road closure
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 tristanna.bickford@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, FEB 5, 2020: Bill Evans Lake WMA temporary road closure SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish will be conducting a restoration project to improve fish habitat at Bill Evans Lake Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Silver City. To ensure public safety during construction the northwest access road will be closed starting Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 5:00 p.m. and will reopen Friday, Feb. 14 at noon. The southern access road, including the boat ramp, will remain open throughout the project. The project will improve habitat for several sport fish species such as largemouth bass, channel catfish, rainbow trout and bluegill. It will focus on increasing spawning areas for adult fish and hiding areas for juvenile fish, ultimately improving angling at Bill Evans Lake [...]
Evaluating Genetic Health of Chihuahua Chub in the Mimbres River Basin
Following is a selected project highlight from the Share with Wildlife mission to assist all New Mexico wildlife in need, no matter what species. Evaluating Genetic Health of Chihuahua Chub in the Mimbres River Basin Perhaps you’ve driven in southwestern New Mexico and crossed over the Mimbres River and seen that a stretch of it was dry? Perhaps you’ve thought that there was no way fish could live in this river- after all, fish need continuous stretches of flowing water to survive! Well, there are several fishes that live in the Mimbres, including a very rare fish, the Chihuahua chub. Undergraduate student at UNM explains Chihuahua chub poster. (Ginny Seamster) In New Mexico, the Chihuahua chub has been found at a handfull of disjunct sites on the Mimbres River and in an adjacent spring and has also been introduced at a few sites from a captive population at [...]
Tracking a Rare Snake
Following is a selected project highlight from the Share with Wildlife mission to assist all New Mexico wildlife in need, no matter what species. Tracking a Rare Snake The Arizona black rattlesnake is a very understudied species of rattlesnake. As of 2018, there were fewer than 20 documented observations of this species in New Mexico. The species is known to inhabit portions of the San Francisco River drainage and is often found on steeper slopes and cliffsides. However, much more needs to be learned about this species before anything can be done to help protect this species and its habitat in New Mexico. Arizona black rattlesnake rattle (Ginny Seamster). Bruce Christman and Dr. Randy Jennings, both experienced herpetologists, have been using funds from the Share with Wildlife program to conduct surveys for the Arizona black rattlesnake, both at and near the locations of previously reported sightings. [...]