Public Comment

The following Game Commission documents are available for public comments. We encourage your participation.
See also Meetings and Agendas for State Game Commission meeting notices, agenda item briefings, and calendar.

Proposals Under Consideration

Click title below to open/close the proposal under consideration:

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish requests public comments on its Draft 2024 Biennial Review of Threatened and Endangered Wildlife Species listed under the Wildlife Conservation Act (Section 17-2-40 NMSA 1978). Comments on the draft document will be accepted until September 1, 2024.

Staff biologists have reviewed the current status of all State-listed wildlife species and have updated species accounts to include information and literature that has accrued since publication of the 2022 Biennial Review. No change in any listed species’ status is recommended at this time. All public comments received during the open period will be kept in a repository file at the Department’s Santa Fe headquarters. Public comments and final recommendations will be presented to the State Game Commission at its November 8, 2024 meeting.

The Draft 2024 Biennial Review document can be viewed on the Department’s website, Comments should be emailed to the Department’s Recovery Coordinator, John Bulger, at

How to identify changes that are proposed in draft rules:

  • Only sections of the rule which are highlighted are being proposed for changes.
  • Underlined sections of draft rule are being proposed as new language.
  • Strikethrough sections of draft rule are being proposed to be deleted.
  • A clean version of each affected draft rule in proposed final form is also being provided.

We are currently accepting public comments on the draft Species of Greatest Conservation Need list developed for the 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan. To submit comments to the Department, please either email them to or attend one of the two hybrid public meetings scheduled for late July

To attend either meeting via Zoom, please register at one of the below links: 

For the Albuquerque meeting: 

For the Las Cruces meeting: 

Rule Development Process

The Department revises rules for hunting game every 4 years and migratory game birds (waterfowl) each year.  Involving hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts is invaluable during the review to ensure that their perspectives help influence hunting seasons and license numbers for the next four years.  As the process develops, proposed adjustments to the various rules will be available for public review.  The State Game Commission, when finalizing the rules later this year, will consider all public comments, harvest and survey data, as well as biological information on population sustainability and management goals.