UPDATED: August 8, 2003



Department of Game and Fish

3841 Midway Place, NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109

July 30, 2003

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 Meeting Called To Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:13 am by Chairman Arvas.


Director Thompson called roll:

Chairman Arvas – Present

Commissioner Pino – Present

Commissioner Riordan – Present

Commissioner Sims – Present

Commissioner Henderson – Present

Commissioner Jennifer Montoya – Present

Commissioner Alfredo Montoya - Absent

Director Thompson stated that there is a quorum.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 Introduction of Guests

Chairman Arvas requests members of the audience to introduce themselves

Director Thompson announced that Luis Rios is the newly selected chief of the Southwest Area, effective August 30.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 Approval of Minutes (June 18, 2003)

Commissioner J. Montoya stated she had a correction to the June 18 minutes on page 8 of minutes the second sentence where it states “previously stated she wanted to increase lion habitat” and it should state she wants to increase sheep habitat.

Director Thompson clarified that page 1 accurately shows that Commissioner Sims was absent during roll call but had arrived during Agenda Item No. 4.

MOTION: Commissioner Henderson moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Commissioner Pino seconded the motion. VOTE: Voice call vote taken. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5. Approval of Agenda (July 30, 2003)

Director Thompson stated that Agenda Item No. 9 would not be presented. Also the closed executive session will not include the water transfer discussion but the executive session will still be held for personnel, litigation and acquisition topics.

MOTION: Commissioner Henderson moved to accept the agenda as amended. Commissioner J. Montoya seconded the motion. VOTE: Voice call vote taken. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 19.31.6 NMAC – The Waterfowl Regulation

Presented by Tim Mitchusson - Amendments to the 2003-2004 Waterfowl Regulations are necessary to update waterfowl regulations and conform to USFWS frameworks and adjust hunting opportunity where appropriate. The Department recommends the following (1) adjust waterfowl season dates for current calendar year dependent on the Adaptive Harvest Management duck season package selected by the USFWS; (2) adjust other species season dates for the current calendar year and hunter opportunity within federal frameworks; (3) eliminate waterfowl identification course requirement for the Bernardo/Casa Colorada WMA light goose and Bernardo Youth light goose hunts; (4) adjust season dates and permit numbers for the Bernardo/Casa Colorada WMA light goose hunts and Bernardo Youth light goose hunts; (5) adjust falconry waterfowl season dates for the current calendar year; (6) increase the number of permits and season length for the MRGV Dark Goose season.

The liberal package is a 97 day season, 6 bird bag limit with 5 mallards, which only 2 may be hens. Due to the 2 youth waterfowl days, NM can only use 96 days. States the USFWS has not finalized what package they are going to give us with regard to pintails and canvasback’s. Presents the commission 3 alternatives –

Open – Close
Daily Bag Limit
OPTION 1 North Zone Oct 8 – Jan 11
Ducks 6 – which consists of no more than: 5 mallard
(of which only 2 may be female Mallard);
2 Scaup;
2 Redhead; 2 Wood Duck;
1 Pintail; 1 Hooded Merganser
American Coots Same as Above
Canvasback Same as Above
South Zone Oct. 22 – Jan. 25
American Coots Same as Above
Canvasback Same as Above
OPTION 2 North Zone Oct 8 – Jan 11

6 – which consists of no more than: 5 mallard
(of which only 2 may be female Mallard);
2 Scaup; 2 Redhead; 2 Wood Duck;
1 Hooded Merganser

Pintail Oct 8 – Nov. 15 1 Pintail may be included in the bag
Canvasback Season Closed
South Zone Oct. 22 – Jan. 25
Pintail Dec. 18 – Jan. 25 1 Pintail may be included in the bag
Canvasback Season Closed
OPTION 3 North Zone Oct 8 – Jan 11
Ducks 6 – which consists of no more than: 5 mallard
(of which only 2 may be female Mallard);
2 Scaup; 2 Redhead; 2 Wood Duck;
1 Hooded Merganser
Pintail & Canvasback Oct 8 – Nov. 15 1 Pintail; 1 Canvasback may be part of bag
South Zone Oct. 22 – Jan. 25
Pintail & Canvasback Dec. 18 – Jan. 25 1 Pintail; 1 Canvasback may be part of bag

All other species are the same as last year. The falconry dates needed to be adjusted slightly for calendar dates. With regard to the Bernardo/Casa Colorada WMA we have eliminated the requirement for hunters to pass a waterfowl identification course and have reduced the number of blinds from 10 to 8 and the number of permits from 40 to 32.

It was requested at the April 2003 meeting to change the MRGV dark goose season by increasing the opportunity so there are 2 options 1) Dec. 27 – Jan. 25 with a limit of 1, these are by special permits by drawing with a limit of 400 permits drawn or 2) Special MRGV permit obtained at Department offices similar to band-tailed pigeons. Jan. 17 – Jan. 25 with a limit of 1 bird per season, per person.

Commissioner Riordan asks regarding the Bernardo goose hunt, why are we are dropping the number of blinds from 10 to 8 and the number of hunters from 40 to 32, are we going to expand the times that these guys can hunt so we can give them some extra days and get more people out in the field? Tim Mitchusson states no, we are actually reducing the number of days they can be out there because we are also cutting down the number of hunt days because of the federal baiting laws. We have to have all grain removed 10 days prior to when our hunt begins. So by the time we stop cutting corn the geese figure out there is nothing to eat there so they don’t show up. They are usually there for the first 2 days and by day 3 & 4 they are gone. Commissioner Riordan states there are a lot of Snow Geese; there has to be a way to increase the number of days for these hunters. Tim Mitchusson states we are tied to the Federal Baiting laws, and we do stretch it as far as we can. Commissioner Riordan states there is a way to give the hunters more opportunity and it should not be considered baiting. Tim Mitchusson states we are having trouble right now providing grain for the birds we already have because of the water rights and personnel issues of the Department. Director Thompson states that instead of debating this right now, maybe we can seek ways to maximize the number of days allowed. Chairman Arvas asks Tim to re-state the 3 options. Tim Mitchusson also stated that the USFWS has reduced our harvest allotment quite a bit this year because we have a declining Sandhill Crane population due to the drought up in the breeding areas. Commissioner Sims asks with regard to Option 2 is it a pintail or canvasback or pintail and canvasback. Commissioner J. Montoya mentions that the briefing provided to the Commission states that Ducks Unlimited is interested in the dark goose hunt and they want it to remain the same as last year in order to evaluate the impact. Did we monitor numbers last year of the entire dark goose population? Do we have a base line. Tim Mitchusson states we conduct surveys annually (Oct, Nov, Dec & Jan) and generally the January survey is the peak survey, it is used as part of the mid-winter count for the flyway counts. Commissioner J. Montoya asks why the proposal was rejected. Tim Mitchusson stated it is because he has had requests from the Commission to make that change to increase hunter opportunity. Commissioner J. Montoya putting hunter opportunity aside what would this do for us in managing. Tim Mitchusson stated he would have to evaluate the harvest and what our wintering population is and how it is going to impact our goal. He would like to have 3 years before making a change it give us some good information.

Dale Jones states he would like to go back to what Commissioner Riordan said in that there is an opportunity for some of the private landowners in the valley to grow some food for the geese and move the geese around and provide some more opportunity to hunt. Has proposed this several times, he has 10 acres and he would like to plant it this summer, so next fall he will see if he can attract geese and cranes into the property. If he can then the state needs to figure out some way to provide the private landowners with seed and water costs. Commissioner Riordan states the geese go from Socorro to Bernardo and Casa Colorada and they don’t hit the river or move any more basically because of the feeding process. Chairman Arvas asks if there are any policies, in terms of the flyway policy or an agreement with Bosque del Apache in terms of what we plan on doing with these geese. He hears rumors of some policy where we want to feed more birds at Bernardo than we do at Bosque del Apache. Tim Mitchusson states Chairman Arvas is referring to the Middle Rio Grande Management Plan. Basically what the plan states is the northern Department areas are supposed to be wintering 60% of the snow geese to provide hunting opportunity and Bosque del Apache is 40%. The problem is in attracting the birds because we are only getting about ½ of the birds. There are about 20,000 at Bosque and at that time we have to stop feeding and the geese return to Bosque. Chairman Arvas asks why they can’t feed that number of birds, there is a lot better resources there than what we have. Tim Mitchusson states the objective was to provide hunter opportunity, if they are on Bosque del Apache all winter there would not be any hunter opportunity at all.


Dave Gilmore asks about the conservation order is there any way to back it up, we are on the southern end of the flyway and when it’s time to hunt them they are locked into the refuges and they are not moving at all. Tim Mitchusson states that under the rules of the conservation order, set by Congress right now you cannot have a conservation order while there are sandhill cranes or waterfowl season’s in progress. So if you want to move it earlier we have to close goose season, duck season, and close crane season. Dave Gilmore asks if we can eliminate the MRGV and not affect any other part of the state. Tim Mitchusson states that we do have duck season until January 25th, so it is only a 5 day difference. Dave Gilmore states that New Mexico takes the tail end when it comes the conservation order. Tim Mitchusson states people need to realize we only have 5,000 hunters and 60,000 of the total population of geese and our hunters are not going to have a whole lot of impact on the population.

Chairman Arvas would like to take each one of the options, separately and asks Tim to give his feelings and recommendations on each of the options. Tim Mitchusson states the Commission needs to approve all 3 of the options because then the SRC will tell us what they approved and it will be one of the 3 options. Chairman Arvas comments that in other words the Commission does not have any input at all. Commented it sounds like a dictatorship. Tim Mitchusson states the Commission can set season dates within a federal framework provided to us, but when it comes to packages we can take anything less, but we cannot take anything more. Commissioner J. Montoya states she does not understand the 3 options, she has 6 in front of her. Tim Mitchusson reviews the 3 options. Chairman Arvas asks how does the USFWS make its decision? Tim Mitchusson states we there are technical committees made up of biologists from each state who meet and they make their presentation to the Flyway Council who then presents to the Fish and Wildlife Service who makes the final regulations. Chairman Arvas asks what would be easiest for Tim for the Commission to vote in parts or the recommendation as a whole? Tim Mitchusson states the Commission needs to decide which dark goose season they want. Chairman Arvas states so the Commission does not really need to vote since there is no option. Commissioner Sims states they are not options, it is just a report to the Commission. Commissioner Riordan states he feels the Commission is still being dictated to, without any interaction and you either take it or leave it, he would like to see something back from the public as to which option they would like to see passed. Chairman Arvas states even though New Mexico is a fairly small state in the Flyway we need to establish ourselves as being concerned with some of the things we are being dictated to, asks the public to respond and tell the Commission what they feel and that the Department and Commission will take the responses back to the Fish and Wildlife Service. Further, he states that there may be things the USFWS will want from us someday and so when we go to them with requests we want them to respond or we won’t respond.


Jim Fanning states he is interested in the waterfowl seasons, states they may not be options but alternates. Likes the fact that the season has been backed up the season to the last possible date. Understands the presentation is stating the 3 options all hinge on the pintail/canvasback and when they come down. Tim Mitchusson responds in the affirmative, also the USFWS does most of our surveys using HIP permit contacts. In the future all of the waterfowl surveys will be done through the HIP program. Ellery Worthen states if the USFWS are worried about the pintail/canvasback’s then we need to select the option that will harvest the fewest birds and allow the population to continue to breed. Richard Becker states that the way the USFWS is handing this to the Commission is arrogant and dictatorial, do they do this to the rest of the states in the flyway? Tim Mitchusson states that USFWS is mandated to regulate all migratory birds, under the mandate we are allowed to hunt 107 days from September to March. There is public input through the federal register, the individual states come up with recommendations through their technical committees. Richard Becker wants to go back to what Dale Jones suggested with involving the private landowners, wants to encourage the Commission to require the Department to take a more collaborative planning process and include the private landowners. Commissioner J. Montoya states there are some other funding mechanisms through the USFWS where money can be put on private lands to manage species and wants to encourage the private landowners to look into this. Commissioner Henderson understands why the migratory birds are under the USFWS and why the USFWS needs to be in the prime position. He would just like for the Commission to have more time to decide with public input earlier in the year instead of just rubber stamping the approval it would be better. Tim Mitchusson states the problem is the survey’s are not done until July and this throws the entire Department’s process off with regard to the presentation to the Commission and publishing of the proclamation. Dale Jones states that the USFWS need to be told that we really need to harvest Snow Geese but then they should lighten up on the baiting laws. Commissioner Riordan feels that we need to look at applying congressional pressure on USFWS we are always on the tail end and it seems that there is never a problem with Canadian geese in Colorado because they set up refuges and they stop all the geese. He feels we need to put some pressure on the USFWS because everyone up north gets good liberal packages, but we get the tail end of everything. We need to be represented better from our end of the USFWS. Chairman Arvas states when the opportunity arises we will sit down with our Congressional delegation and point these comments out to them. Tim Mitchusson states we are not really getting the short end, we get the maximum amount of days allowed in the flyway for hunting. In fact we have so many days offered in New Mexico that we can’t use them all. Luis Rios just wanted to clarify Commissioner Henderson’s comments with regard to having public input earlier so that the Department can then go to the technical committees and council meetings with New Mexico hunters recommendations to present to the service. Not necessarily the setting of the regulations, just comments. Commissioner Sims states we are not asking to go to the council and say “we are not getting our fair share,” but if they want a reduction in the snow geese then we need to let them know we have some teeth and we are not going to set here and just take it. We can work with them on the snow geese problem and they can work with us on the grain problem. Tim Mitchusson states that for the last 3 years we have asked for a change in the baiting laws, during the conservation order, but it has been turned down. Chairman Arvas states there does not seem to be any problems with the Pacific Flyway season dates.

Chairman Arvas states he has a request from Monty Brown to address the commission. Monty Brown states that he is concerned with waterfowl. He ran a ranch in California and they got into the CRP program. This program allowed them to utilize the grain crops for waterfowl production, and maintaining a huntable number. It also provided the birds in the spring a good amount of food to send them back healthy. The CRP program is win-win situation for everyone and encourages the Department and private landowners to look into this program. Feels that waterfowl needs to be a priority for New Mexico, waterfowl is at the bottom because it is overtaken by the responsibility of game management for elk, mule deer etc, they are important but so is waterfowl. Feels that our problem is we need more habitat for the waterfowl. Dr. Fanning asks what the success rate was on 300 permits. Tim Mitchusson states when we had 200 permits the success rate was about 80% and last year with 300 permits we were at about 60%. Dr. Fanning is part of the Intermountain West Joint Venture and Congress passed an act called the North American Wetland Conservation Act. This money is distributed through the country by joint ventures. New Mexico is part of 2 joint ventures (1) east side is the Playa Lakes Joint Venture (2) rest of the state is the Intermountain West Joint Venture. New Mexico is vying for money against about 10 other states and it is done on a competitive basis of points. We finally got our opportunity last year, we got approval for a project it was a million dollar grant that stretched all the way from Santa Ana Publeo to the Oxbow, the funding is coming through and this will have an impact. Unfortunately New Mexico Game and Fish Department did not get any of the money because the project was submitted too late and it wasn’t cost effective. Was disappointed that New Mexico didn’t get any money to put into the La Joya project that was proposed. Now in 2003 we have Chairman Tom Arvas who is interested in waterfowl and he has met with Jim Cole, Dr. Fanning and 3 Department people and we hope we will now get some of the federal funds for a future project to restore some of the wetlands at La Joya and Bernardo. Chairman Arvas states there is a meeting on August 27 and let Commissioner Riordan know Jim Cole is very interested in wildlife viewing also at Bernardo and La Joya.


Mr. Gilmore would like to see a 30-day dark goose season with a 2 bird limit. The number of permits to be issued should stay within the guidelines that Tim feels are safe. He has not seen the numbers and would like to make it a quality hunt instead of an opportunity hunt. Would like to see more done for waterfowl. Big game has taken the bulk of our money for long enough. Wants to see the Department purchase water rights to help increase the opportunity, we need to look at purchasing land in the valley. We need to build the population of Canada geese. We could work with Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas and other states to allow the birds to sift on down to New Mexico. Agrees with Tim in reducing the number of blinds at Bernardo. Chairman Arvas states he was lenient with the waterfowl hunters today and allowed them to speak extra time. Jerry Livingston agrees with Commissioner Riordan and Mr. Brown in that we are losing our opportunity to get the geese to move along the valley and give opportunity for more hunters. Recommends that the Commission find a way to subsidize the farmers in the valley for 5 acres of corn/grain because geese don’t like chile very much. Commissioner J. Montoya states it is gratifying to see the number of public turnout today. The problem is the Commission and Department are limited in regard to money available and personnel to handle all the issues. The Commission should establish a citizen’s task force to gather all the ideas from the public to formulate a strategy to improve waterfowl. States there is all kinds of money available Farm Bill money, Fish and Wildlife Service money, the NAWCA grants, etc. encourages the establishment of another task force for waterfowl. Chairman Arvas asks Commissioner J. Montoya to explain about the quail task force. Commissioner J. Montoya states she has been working with Quail Unlimited out of Las Cruces and they are disappointed in the amount of quail that is being seen. On the 14th of August Turner Ranch is hosting “Quail Appreciation Day” and during this time they will identify the people with expertise who could come together to discuss the issues. Commissioner Riordan agrees with Monty Brown on the La Joya issues. Tod has just recently stopped a problem that we have had with our habitat, we used to leave water in La Joya up until May and now Tod Stevenson has stopped running water in February so the birds were not nesting in there and becoming coyote bait. We need to start looking at water rights and improving the habitat. Commissioner Riordan states he is in favor of increasing the dark goose limit to 2 birds but would like to go with the shorter time frame.

MOTION: Commissioner Riordan moved to accept the second recommendation, special MRGV permit obtained at Department offices, running from January 17 to January 25, 2004 with a season limit of 2 birds. Commissioner Sims seconded the motion.

Commissioner Henderson asks Tim if this is reviewed each year. Tim stated yes. He would like to study the impacts of this change.

VOTE: Voice call vote taken. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Tim Mitchussson states he needs approval for the rest of the seasons.

MOTION: Commissioner Pino moved to accept the recommendations made by the Department to allow the Department to select season dates and bag limits based on final federal framework provided. Commissioner Sims seconded the motion. VOTE: Voice call vote taken. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 19.30.9 NMAC – Rules on Big Game & Fish Licenses/Permits will be open for Amendment

Presented by Kerry Mower – The Department is recommending changing the importation fee for several specific groups of wild animals based on processing and evaluation costs. Importation rule criteria establish mandatory submission of certain documents and depending on the animal, require some disease testing. Documents must be examined by staff and evaluated for adherence to State Game Commission Rule 19.35.7 NMAC. Protected ungulates (deer, elk, etc.) require extensive research by Department staff to ensure rule compliance and in the past have taken 6 weeks or more for a thorough review. This fee adjustment will help the Department cover the costs of employee work effort, supplies and materials.

The recommended adjustments to the importation fee are:

Protected Ungulate minimum $500.00/ up to 2 animals only
same source owner/ $50.00/ animal within 6 mo. Period
Fish $6.00/application
Furbearer $40.00/animal
Non-game $25.00/animal
Other $15.00/application

All fees for importation application are currently $6 no matter the request or number of animals. This fee has not been adjusted since prior to 1992, but the requirements and employee workload have changed dramatically.

Chairman Arvas states we are just talking about an adjustment to the fees, the moratorium on cervid importation will be addressed later. Kerry Mower states the moratorium will be addressed later, we are not addressing that action today. Commissioner Henderson asks whether or not this fee increase has been in the works for awhile or is it a reaction due to chronic wasting disease. Kerry Mower states it has come around basically due to CWD, but we have found the fees to be low and the work to process an application has increased. Commissioner Henderson states that these are sizeable increases from what they were to what they may be, would like to see the Commission direct the Department to really look at costs and to not have such large fee increases. Commissioner Sims asks how does this affect Circus’s that are coming into the state. Kerry Mower states they will fall under the other category. Commisioner Sims asks how does it affect people bringing in buffalo for private use. Kerry Mower states buffalo are considered livestock if they are owned privately. Director Thompson states he takes Commissioner Henderson’s comments seriously and that we have really investigated the costs associated with importations. Commissioner Sims with regard to the action that the department will take to lift the moratorium what sort of time frame are we looking at to get the moratorium lifted. Director Thompson states there are statutory provisions for these types of operations to occur and we are now at a juncture where it appears there are operations that may meet all the basic conditions and there are a couple of considerations to deal with (1) we wanted to ensure there was a fee structure that would in fact pay for any type of actions if that emergency is lifted or modified in some fashion (2) we also have a substantial number of things to consider regarding a degree of control to ensure that regulations that are in place are adequate and a set of stipulations that would apply if the moratorium is lifted or changed to ensure that we have adequate awareness and control of the prospective sources. Commissioner Sims states this needs to be on the front burner, we have a lot of people waiting for an answer. Commissioner Riordan with regards to furbearer, what would somebody import that is a furbearer? Brian Gleadle states we have had issues of people wanted to import bobcat, coatimundi etc. Currently we don’t really allow furbearers to be imported into the state, we are the pivot point now where the commission also needs to decide what imports they really want to allow. Commissioner Riordan asks Marvin Cromwell how much they sell an elk permit for in a game park. Marvin Cromwell states he could get up to $5000 for a bull. Commissioner Riordan wants to make sure we are charging enough on a fee to make sure that what the Department does for the Class A Parks is viable for the Commission. Chairman Arvas asks Marvin Cromwell to make his comments. Marvin Cromwell states that he applauds the Commission on these fees because the Department has ways to investigate producers that he does not have. States that it should not be the burden on Game and Fish, these are privately owned animals and we need legislative changes to get them changed to livestock. Commissioner Riordan states we need to have some economic incentive to be out there supporting their operations. Will deal with the fees but the Department needs to make sure we are not spending too much time on a private industry. We are just trying to make sure we have balance and that it makes economic sense. Paul Aguilar from Legislative Finance Committee would like to make a comment on making these animals livestock and that is that the Livestock Board is in jeopardy of losing their tuberculosis free status. If the animals are made livestock does the Department have the correct number of veterinarians on staff, do we have the knowledge to do the tuberculosis tests, etc. Director Thompson states that the primary disease that is being referred to here is Chronic Wasting Disease and there is not a live test for elk, it is based upon a period of 60 months waiting. The testing and monitoring occurs at the various sources. Kerry Mower states we have worked very closely with the Livestock Board on this importation rule and the expense is on the importers end for any animals that are imported into the state also come with a health certificate. Mr. DeYoung asks if there has been any CWD found in any imported elk? Kerry Mower responds, no, not in this state. Director Thompson states the health emergency is in place and will remain in place. We need to have the appropriate fee structure in place and we do not have a specific time frame for lifting the health emergency. Dave Weingarten states usually people say the fees are too high, but for once he feels the fees are at the standard. One of things we don’t list is intra-state if we get CWD at one of the farms, and some of the farms are large enough where the animals are not monitored very well. Oscar Simpson states that there is not a manual yet, on how to investigate these steps. Wants to see a manual to make sure there is quality assurance on these procedures. Has asked before for the manual, but still has not seen a manual. Ellery Worthen is hearing talk that bothers him regarding putting this under the Department of Agriculture. Basically the people who want to profit from wildlife are pushing to have this placed under Dept. of Agriculture so that these wild animals are livestock. Commissioner Pino states there was no presentation of a fee for in-state movement. The Jicarilla have private elk, can a private ranch move elk from the Jicarilla now, even with the moratorium in place. Kerry Mower states yes.

MOTION: Commissioner Henderson moved to accept the fee increase recommendations that were made by the Department. Commissioner Sims seconded the motion. VOTE: Voice call vote taken. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.


Bruce Daly states that 4 years ago United Bow hunters of NM dis-banded, so at the present time there is no organized association of bow hunters so bow hunters have suffered because there is no voice or representation. We are forming a new association of bowhunters in NM and we expect 800 to 1000 members. Purpose of the organization is to promote bow hunting/archery and conduct bow hunting classes and possibly build archery ranges on public land. Chairman Arvas explains to Jason Moore that he has appointed a sub-committee to review the LOSS system for elk tag allocation on private lands. Commissioner Riordan will chair that committee and Commissioner Pino and A. Montoya are also part of the committee. Jason Moore states he appreciates the Commission listening to his comments. Does not feel that the draw process is effective. We have bow, muzzle, rifle hunters and with the new system that is in place it is all by what number your application is drawn and the statistics are going to be skewed. Wants the application process to be the same, either all bow, rifle or muzzle hunts, stop allowing a mix of weapons on the applications. In this age of computers we need to streamline the process, electronic checks etc. Would like to see more bow hunting opportunity. With regards to Unit 5B he has not seen any press or notification on how the Unit 5B Mule Deer study was going. It was opened up this year and there were 15 tags allotted, but what about bow permits. Wants to see the fee’s increased, the department does need more money to do their jobs. Director Thompson states the Department is engaged in an evaluation of an electronic application process and timely notification. Mr. Gooding wants to appeal the first appeal and second appeal for the bull permits, his ranch straddles the border, part of the ranch is in Colorado and part is in New Mexico. They operate on a 10 year management plan and they are 5 years into it. The resident herd is up from 50 animals to 180. He questions the Jicarilla’s and Chama Land and Cattle with regard to their management plans. He has a plan and the quality is increasing, the numbers are increasing. Questions that the Department uses the number of animals killed as the management tool instead of how the habitat is doing. His ranch is doing stuff to help the state, but their permits continue to be decreased and does not understand why. Wants another 2 bull permits so they can pay the guys who are doing the work on the ranch who are trying to manage it. Commissioner Riordan asks where the ranch is. Mr. Gooding states it is about 15 miles northwest of Chama on the road that goes to Pagosa Springs, it is about 3,800 acres. Brandon Wynn is a hunter, mostly bow some rifle, likes the new system of 3 choices. Wants to differ with Jason who does not like the mix, but he really likes it, would like to see some more education on the process because there are a lot of people who don’t understand the new system, maybe a plain detailed letter explaining the system. Would like to see a bonus point system. Use Arizona as a basis, they set aside 10% of the tags for the bonus and Arizona is really hard on the non-residents. Also Montana has a good system. Appreciates the Commission for listening. John Boretsky makes an announcement that there is an organization called Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. It has become a very strong voice in the political process in Utah. Last year there was a chapter formed in Carlsbad and they are trying to expand, there will be a meeting this Saturday at 2:00 at the AmeriSuites on Menaul.

MOTION: Commissioner J. Montoya moved to go into closed executive session to discuss personnel and litigation issues. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion. VOTE: Roll call vote taken.

Commissioner Henderson – Yes

Commissioner J. Montoya – Yes

Commissioner Pino – Yes

Commissioner Riordan – Yes

Commissioner Sims – Yes

Chairman Arvas – Yes

All present voted in the affirmative.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 – Closed Executive Session

MOTION: Commissioner Sims moved to come out of closed executive session. Commissioner Riordan seconded the motion. VOTE: Roll call vote taken.

Commissioner Henderson – Yes

Commissioner J. Montoya – Yes

Commissioner Pino – Absent

Commissioner Riordan – Yes

Commissioner Sims – Yes

Chairman Arvas – Yes

All present voted in the affirmative.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 – Transfer of Available Water from Eagle Nest Reservior

Item was removed from Agenda.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 – Adjournment

MOTION: Commissioner Sims moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Riordan seconded the motion. VOTE: Voice call vote taken, all present voted in the affirmative.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

______________________________________ __________________________

Bruce C. Thompson, Secretary to the Date

New Mexico State Game Commission

_______________________________________ ____________________________

Tom Arvas, Chairman Date

New Mexico State Game Commission

Transcribed by: Kelly Muniz